Puneet Varma (Editor)

Oklahoma state elections, 2006

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Oklahoma state elections, 2006

The Oklahoma state elections were held on November 7, 2006. The primary election was held on July 25. The runoff primary election was held August 22. The 2006 elections marked the first time in 80 years that the Republican Party gained a majority of seats in the Oklahoma House of Representatives.



In the Democratic primary, incumbent Brad Henry defeated challenger Andrew Marr 86% to 14%. In the Republican primary, Ernest Istook defeated Bob Sullivan, Jim Williamson, and Sean Evanoff. Istook took 54.7% of the vote, Sullivan 31%, Williamson 9.8%, and Evanoff 4.6%.

In the general election, Henry defeated challenger Istook with 66% of the vote to remain in office for the next four years.

Lieutenant governor

With incumbent Mary Fallin not running for reelection as the Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma, a new Lieutenant Governor was guaranteed.

Primary election

The candidates for the parties faced on in the primary election on July 25. If no party received more than 50% of the vote, a runoff election was held on August 22 to decide the winner.


There were three candidates in the Republican primary for Lieutenant Governor.

There were four candidates in the Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governor.

General election

In the general election, Democratic primary winner Jari Askins faced the Republican primary winner Todd Hiett. Also, E. Z. Million ran as an Independent.

SQ 724

This measure amends Article V, Section 21 of the State Constitution. That Section deals with State pay to legislators. The amendment restricts State pay to some legislators. The pay restriction would apply to some legislators while in jail or prison. The pay restriction would apply to legislators found guilty of a crime. It would also apply to legislators who plead either guilty or no contest. Affected legislators must return any State pay received for time while in jail or prison.

For - 87.78%
Against - 12.22%

SQ 725

This measure amends the State Constitution. It amends Section 23 of Article 10. The measure deals with the Constitutional Reserve Fund also known as the Rainy Day Fund. The measure allows money to be spent from the Rainy Day Fund. The purpose of the authorized spending is to retain employment for state residents by helping at-risk manufacturers. Payments from the Fund would be used to encourage such manufacturers to make investments in Oklahoma. All such payments from the Fund must be unanimously approved by three State officers. Those officers are the Governor and the head of the Senate and House of Representatives. Those officers could only approve payments recommended by an independent committee. Such spending is allowed in years when there is Eighty Million Dollars or more in the Fund and other conditions are met. Such spending is limited to Ten Million Dollars a year. The help given to a manufacturer is limited to ten percent of its in-State capital investments. The Legislature could make laws to carry out the amendment.

For - 53.58%
Against - 46.42%

SQ 733

This measure amends the Oklahoma Constitution. It amends Article 28. This Article deals with sales of alcoholic beverages. Section 6 of Article 28 bans the sale of alcoholic beverages by package stores on certain days. Package store sales of these beverages are prohibited on election days while the polls are open. This measure would remove the ban on sales on election days. If this measure passes, package stores could sell alcoholic beverages on election days.

For - 52.52%
Against - 47.48%

SQ 734

This measure amends the Oklahoma Constitution. It amends Section 6A of Article 10. This section provides an exemption from property tax. The exemption applies to goods that are shipped into the state, but which do not remain in the state for more than ninety days. This is sometimes known as the freeport exemption. This measure would allow laws to be enacted. The laws could provide for an application process to claim this exemption. The laws could require the application to be filed by a certain date. The laws could require certain information to be included with the application. The application would be filed with the county assessor.

For - 63.10%
Against - 36.90%


Oklahoma state elections, 2006 Wikipedia

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