Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Ocean (ship)

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A number of sailing ships have been named Ocean.

  • Ocean was a ship of 243 tons (bm) built in France in 1793 that the British captured in 1799. She became a whaler for Samuel Enderby & Sons and made some 11 whaling voyages to the Southern Whale Fishery between 1800 and 1824.
  • Two ships named Ocean were licensed ships for the British East India Company (EIC). After the EIC lost its monopoly on trade with India in 1813, it licensed vessels belonging to private owners to trade with India.

  • Ocean (1800 ship), a 560-ton (bm) merchant ship built in Quebec in 1800, that transported convicts to Port Jackson in 1816.
  • Ocean (1808 ship), a 437-ton (bm) merchant ship built at Whitby in 1808, that transported convicts to Port Jackson in 1818 and 1823.
  • References

    Ocean (ship) Wikipedia

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