Sneha Girap (Editor)

Norbert Balatsch

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Norbert Balatsch


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Grammy Award for Best Choral Performance, Grammy Hall of Fame

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Norbert Balatsch (born 10 March 1928, Vienna) is an Austrian conductor and chorus master. He began his career as a baritone in the opera chorus of the Vienna State Opera. He eventually became the long term chorus master at that house and for many years was the chorus master of the Bayreuth Festival. He has prepared choruses for numerous recordings, two of which have won Grammy Awards. He is currently the chorus master of the Coro dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.

Norbert Balatsch PD Stock photo Norbert Balatsch Conducting Orchestra

In the early 1970s, Professor Balatsch (whose surname is sometimes spelt Balaatsch) was the Chorus Master of the (then) New Philharmonia Chorus, which was previously and later known as simply the Philharmonia Chorus.


Norbert Balatsch Wikipedia

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