Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Nissen (surname)

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Nissen is a surname. As a Danish surname it is a patronymic meaning "son of Nis" (Danish short form of Nicholas). Notable people with the surname include:

  • Georg Nikolaus von Nissen (1761–1826), Danish diplomat and writer, and author of one of the first biographies of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Peter Norman Nissen (1871–1930), Canadian mining engineer
  • Hans-Hermann Nissen (1893-1980), German bass-baritone
  • Rudolph Nissen (1896–1981), German surgeon and inventor of the Nissen fundoplication
  • George Nissen (1914-2010) inventor of the modern trampoline
  • Henry Nissen (born 1948 as Henry Nissenbaum), German/Australian boxer of the 1970s
  • Steven E. Nissen (born 1949), heart specialist and chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic
  • Christopher Nissen (born 1992), Danish singer
  • References

    Nissen (surname) Wikipedia

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