Puneet Varma (Editor)

Nicknames of Washington, D.C.

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Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States of America, has been known by a variety of nicknames, aliases, sobriquets and slogans, both officially and unofficially, now and in the past. City nicknames can help in establishing a civic identity, helping outsiders recognize a community or attracting people to a community because of its nickname; promote civic pride; and build community unity. Nicknames and slogans that successfully create a new community "ideology or myth" are also believed to have economic value. Their economic value is difficult to measure, but there are anecdotal reports of cities that have achieved substantial economic benefits by "branding" themselves by adopting new slogans.

While official nicknames are often intended to be positive, unofficial nicknames can be either both positive or derisive in nature. The unofficial nicknames included on this list have been in use for a long time or have gained widespread usage.

  • The American Rome
  • A Capital City
  • The Capital of the World
  • Chocolate City
  • City of Magnificent Distances (reported in the 1880s)
  • City of Magnificent Intentions (first coined by Charles Dickens)
  • The Federal City
  • Hollywood for Ugly People
  • Murder Capital of America (late 1980s to early 1990s)
  • Nation's Capital
  • The nickname "DMV," for "District - Maryland - Virginia," has also been used for the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area.

    • NCR - National Capital Region


    Nicknames of Washington, D.C. Wikipedia

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