Supriya Ghosh (Editor)


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Neurotypical or NT, an abbreviation of neurologically typical, is a neologism widely used in the autistic community as a label for people who are not on the autism spectrum. However, the term eventually became narrowed to refer to those with strictly typical neurology; that is, people without a defined neurological disorder.

In other words, this refers to anyone who does not have any developmental disabilities such as some forms of autism, dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder, or ADHD. The term was later adopted by both the neurodiversity movement and the scientific community.

Neurotypical has been replaced by some with allistic, or "nypical", which has the same meaning that "neurotypical" had originally. These terms refer to those who are not autistic, even if they are neurologically atypical in some other way, such as having dyslexia.

The National Autistic Society of the United Kingdom recommends the use of the term "neurotypical" in its advice to journalists.


Neurotypical Wikipedia