Mwingi South Constituency was a former electoral constituency in Kenya. It was one of two constituencies in the former Mwingi District. The constituency was established for the 1997 elections.
Members of Parliament
Mwingi is on the main road coming from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, through Thika and on to Garissa. It is one of the main stops to get fuel and supplies. It is about 210 km from Nairobi. Back in the 1950s missionaries whose surnames were Armes and Campbell built a hospital, which has now become the major source of medical aid for the local people. It started out at an out patient clinic under the trees, grew to a two-room cement block house and then into an 80-bed hospital with a surgery. At one time Mwingi, the upper part of town was run by Muslims and the lower part by the local Africans. Mwingi is located in the Kamba tribe. I speak from experience for I grew up at Mwingi as a small boy and it was my father who built the hospital.