Trisha Shetty (Editor)


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Vladimir II Monomakh

Ukraine, Belarus, Russia

Ukraine, Russia, Belarus

King of Russia Grand Prince of Kiev Grand Prince of Lithuania Tsar of Muscovy

Current head
None (extinct in the original agnatic line)

Monomakhovichi or House of Monomakh was a major princely branch of the Rurik dynasty, descendants of which managed to inherit practically all princely titles in the Grand Duchy of Kiev. The progenitor of the house is Vladimir II Monomakh (son of Vsevolod). The name derived from the grandfather of Vladimir, Constantine IX Monomachos.

Due to its dominance and conflicts within itself, the branch was subdivided into three major factions: the sons of Mstislav the Great, Izyaslavichi and Rostislavichi; and the sons of George the Long-arm Yurievichi. The split occurred in the 12th century. By that time, Rus has already lost its control over the Duchy of Polotsk and the Duchy of Halych, which were self-governed by other Rurik branched dynasties.

The Monomakhovichi were in conflict also with other branches of the Rurik Dynasty such as the Olgovichi, Rostialvichi (Galicia) and Polotsk line.

Main branches

  • Mstislavichi (Mstislav I of Kiev)
  • Volhynia (Iziaslav II of Kiev)
  • Smolensk (Rostislav I of Kiev)
  • Romanovichi (Roman the Great)
  • Yuryevichi (Yuri Dolgorukiy)
  • References

    Monomakhovichi Wikipedia

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