Sneha Girap (Editor)

Miha Baloh

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Miha Baloh


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Winnetou: The Last Shot, Dancing in the Rain, Among Vultures, And Love Has Vanished, The Deer Hunt

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Kato teken miha baloh 2014

Miha Baloh (born 21 May 1928 in Jesenice) is a Slovene actor. He started participating in local theatre productions after the Second World War and eventually enrolled in the AGRFT in Ljubljana, from where he graduated in 1952. In 1953 he began collaboration with the Permanent Slovene Theatre in Trieste. There he worked with the director Jože Babič who also offered him his first major film role. From 1967 he also worked on international productions on projects such as the Austrian TV comedy series Leni, German films on Winnetou and a French-German series on Omer Pasha. He continued to work in the theatre throughout his career.

Miha Baloh Miha Baloh igralec in Karpo Godina reiser Ples v
Miha Baloh Andrej Pengov Radio Kaos in Miha Baloh igralec Ples v

  • Svet na Kajžarju (1952)
  • Ne čakaj na maj (1957)
  • Veselica (1960)
  • Ples v dežju (1961)
  • And Love Has Vanished (1961)
  • Svanuće (1964)
  • Among Vultures (1964)
  • Po isti poti se ne vračaj (1965)
  • Amandus (1966)
  • Winnetou and the Crossbreed (1966)
  • Winnetou and Old Firehand (1966)
  • Grajski biki (1967)
  • Nevidni bataljon (1967)
  • Maškarada (1971)
  • Lov na jelene (1972)
  • Ko pride lev (1972)
  • Draga moja Iza (1979)
  • Naš človek (1985)
  • Čaruga (1991)

  • Miha Baloh httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

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    Miha Baloh Wikipedia

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