Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Mayotte Magnus

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Mayotte Magnus

Mayotte Magnus Mayotte Magnus Private Portraits

Mayotte Magnus (born 1934) is a French-born photographer and Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society. She has exhibited at the Fonds national d'art contemporain (1974), the National Portrait Gallery (1977) and the Institute of Contemporary Arts (1981).

Mayotte Magnus wwwmayottemagnusphotographercomimagesbiography

During the late seventies/early eighties Magnus married the photographer Jorge Lewinski (1921-2008) with whom she collaborated on a series of photographically illustrated books. Lewinski died in 2008.

Magnus has worked to restore the Palais des évêques du Comminges in Alan, Haute-Garonne, a home that she shared with her husband. The building contains a large number of paintings and photographs.


Mayotte Magnus Wikipedia

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