Sneha Girap (Editor)

Martina Zellner

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Martina Zellner

Olympic athlete

Martina Zellner wwwmartinaseidldePortraitbmp

Olympic medals
Biathlon at the 1998 Winter Olympics – Women's relay

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Martina Zellner-Seidl (born February 26, 1974 in Traunstein) is a former German biathlete. By the end of her career she had won one Olympic gold and six world championship medals, (2 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze). In the World Cup she achieved 14 podium places with three victories. The best overall placing she achieved was in the 1997/98 season when she finished third.


  • Winter Olympics
  • 1998 Nagano: Gold medal in the relay
  • World Championships
  • 1998 Pokljuka: Bronze medal in the pursuit
  • 1999 Kontiolahti: Gold medal in the sprint and in the relay, bronze in the pursuit
  • 2000 Oslo: Silver medal in the relay and bronze in the sprint
  • World Cup victories
  • 3 (1 sprint, 1 pursuit and 1 mass-start)


    Martina Zellner Wikipedia

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