Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Martin A Pedroza

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Career wins
3,346 (ongoing)

Martin Pedroza


Martin A. Pedroza wwwcherylannquigleycomuploadsprocessed101710

Martin A. Pedroza (born July 20, 1965 in Panama City, Panama) is a jockey in American Thoroughbred horse racing.

Martin A. Pedroza Martin Pedroza on Twitter quotquotangieastevens1 Jockey

Pedroza trained at the Panama jockey school and in 1981 rode his first winner at Hipódromo Presidente Remón in Panama City. He emigrated to California for the 1983 racing season where he won more races than any other apprentice jockey during three meets at Santa Anita Park, Oak Tree and Los Alimitos.

Martin A. Pedroza Jockey Martin Pedroza The Marlon Brando of horse racing

Major racing accomplishments

Martin A. Pedroza Martin Pedroza PedrozaMjockey Twitter

Martin Pedroza won six consecutive races at Santa Anita Park on October 31, 1992, equaling that track's record held by Steve Valdez in 1973 and equalled by Darrel McHargue in 1979 and by Laffit Pincay Jr. in 1987 and Patrick Valenzuela in 1988. Of the four record holders, only Pedroza earned his wins in successive races. In 2008, he won his 3000th career race at Fairplex Park on a day when he won a record seven races then followed up with another seven-race win day just two days later.

Martin A. Pedroza Fairplex Park Pedroza not seriously injured in spill

At the 2005 Hollywood Park 2005 fall meet, Martin Pedroza won more races than any other jockey and in 2010 he won his thirteenth riding title at Fairplex Park, twelve of which have been consecutive since 1999. Pedroza's longtime agent is Richie Silverstein

Martin A. Pedroza Pamela Schreckengost Photography Martin Pedroza

As at August 28, 2011, Martin Pedroza has won 3,346 races.


Martin A. Pedroza Wikipedia

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