Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Lundeberg Derby Monument

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Lundeberg Derby Monument

Fremont Rocket, American Doughboy Bringing Home Victory, Seattle Monolith

The "Lundeberg Derby Monument" is a part of a series of works created to improve First Street in 1987. This project was called the First Avenue Project. The statue was installed by Buster Simpson when the building behind it, the ‘El Gaucho Inn’ was still owned and occupied by the Sailor’s union. The statue is located on First and Wall Street in Seattle, Washington, and is dedicated to Harry Lundeberg, a key figure in the Sailor's Union Strike of 1886. Harry Lundeberg created the sub/Union cap. < Schwartz, Stephen. "Chapters 6-7." Sailors Union of the Pacific History Book. N.p.: n.p., 1985. N. pag. Print.> The cap was later known as the “Lundeberg Stetson”. The Stetson cap is still continued to be worn by members who are a part of the Union or support the Union. The two pillars stand roughly three feet high, atop the northern most pillar is a derby cap, worn by members of the Sailors Union. The pillars were salvaged by Jack Mackie and Buster Simpson from a quarry just before it went bankrupt, the two of the artists involved in First Avenue Project. < Updike, Robin. "Expanding The Canvas For Public Art -- Agitator Buster Simpson's Works Are Of The People, And For The People." The Seattle Times. The Seattle Times, 18 Jan. 1998. Web. 04 Nov. 2013. <http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=19980118>.>


  1. Pete Gill, 43, Book no
  2. Brotherhood of the Sea (S.U.P)
  3. Industrial Workers of the World

On the hat are placed three buttons, the first button is for 'Pete Gill, 43, Book no'.When a seaman joins a union they get a union number that represented them within the union. The Coast Seamen's Union, which then became the Sailors Union of the Pacific and later was founded on March 6, 1885. The second button represents S.U.P (the Sailor's Union of the Pacific) and the Brotherhood of the Sea The third button is for the Industrial workers of the world, also known as the IWW or the "Wobblies" The Industrial Workers of the World was founded by a group of radicals in 1905. Industrial workers of the World mostly consist mostly of transient laborers from western mines and forests who were drawn to the American Federation of Labor.


Lundeberg Derby Monument Wikipedia

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