Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Luke Montgomery (author)

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Luke Montgomery


A Deceit to Die For

Luke Montgomery (author) Luke Montgomery Wikipedia

Luke montgomery class of 2017 glendale hs

Luke Montgomery is the author of the religious suspense thriller A Deceit to Die For, a 2012 novel concerning the 16th century Gospel of Barnabas. The book has aroused significant controversy, with Montgomery’s author website being blocked in Turkey, but New York Times Bestselling Author Joel Richardson praised it, calling it, "...a political and religious tour de force. This book puts a face on the clash of civilizations unfolding in our day. Too true to call fiction, too gripping to put down."

Luke Montgomery (author) Author Luke Montgomerys blog Luke Montgomery

An expert on Middle-Eastern culture and Islam, Montgomery holds a M.A. in linguistics and writes a column about religious politics with the Washington Times Communities. Montgomery lived in the Middle East for over a decade and spent years visiting museums and historic sites to collect material for his writing.

Luke Montgomery signed an international petition in support of Turkish pianist Fazıl Say after Turkish authorities prepared an indictment against Say for insulting Islam.


Luke Montgomery (author) Wikipedia

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