Puneet Varma (Editor)

Lower Grindelwald Glacier

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Lower Grindelwald Glacier httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Canton of Berne, Switzerland

Upper Grindelw, Alps, Wetterhorn, Schreckhorn, First

The Lower Grindelwald Glacier (German: Unterer Grindelwaldgletscher) is a Glacier in the Swiss Bernese Alps, situated to the south of Grindelwald. The Lower Grindelwald Glacier includes the tributary Grindelwald-Fiescher Glacier (German: Grindelwald-Fieschergletscher), which is the glacier overlooked by the Jungfrau Railway's Eismeer station.

Map of Lower Grindelwald Glacier, 3818 Grindelwald, Switzerland

The Lower Grindelwald Glacier was about 8.3 km long and covered an area of 20.8 km2 (8.0 sq mi) in 1973. The glacier has significantly shrunk since, having a length of just 6.2 km in 2015, with most of the retreat (1.9 km) happening since 2007.

The Lower Grindelwald Glacier should not be confused with the Upper Grindelwald Glacier, situated to its north-east. The Grindelwald-Fiescher Glacier should not be confused with the like-named Fiescher Glacier, to the south of the Fiescherhorn.


Lower Grindelwald Glacier Wikipedia

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