Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Liza and Huey's Pet Nation

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Directed by
Stuart McDonald

Country of origin
United Kingdom

No. of series

Final episode date
4 June 2010

Presented by
Dr. Scott Miller

Original language(s)

First episode date
26 March 2010

Number of episodes

Sky 1, Sky 2

Liza & Huey's Pet Nation httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediaenthumbb

Also known as
Liza And Huey's Pet NationPet Nation

Vroom Vroom, Street Wars, Taste, Prickly Heat, Kirsty's Home Videos

Liza & Huey's Pet Nation is a show which shows different celebrities bringing in their pets. It is hosted by Liza Tarbuck and Huey Morgan, with their dog co-host, Wilf.

The ten-part series is an animal celebration that combines home videos with sharp, funny and jaw droppingly extreme studio based and on location features with guests including Kathy Burke, Bill Bailey, Neil Morrissey, Sue Perkins, Michelle Childerley and Ben De Lisi.

Dr. Scott Miller featured as Pet Nation's resident vet.


After the preview show aired on 26 March 2010, it was stated by Liza Tarbuck that the show's first series would be airing for the following ten weeks. Episode 2 was aired as episode 1 on Sky1, because the preview show was not considered an episode in the series.


Liza & Huey's Pet Nation Wikipedia

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