Suvarna Garge (Editor)

List of medical inhalants

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Inhalational anesthetic agents

  • aliflurane
  • chloroform
  • cyclopropane
  • desflurane
  • diethyl ether
  • halothane
  • isoflurane
  • methoxyflurane
  • methoxypropane
  • nitrous oxide
  • roflurane
  • sevoflurane
  • teflurane
  • trichloroethylene
  • vinyl ether
  • xenon
  • Bronchodilators

  • Arformoterol
  • Bitolterol
  • Epinephrine
  • Fenoterol
  • Formoterol
  • Ipratropium
  • Isoetharine
  • Isoproterenol
  • Levalbuterol
  • Metaproterenol
  • Pirbuterol
  • Procaterol
  • Racepinephrine (racemic epinephrine)
  • Salbutamol
  • Salmeterol
  • Terbutaline
  • Tiotropium
  • Antihypertensives

  • Amyl nitrite
  • Iloprost (Prostacyclin)
  • Nitric oxide
  • Anti-inflammatories

  • Beclomethasone
  • Budesonide
  • Ciclesonide
  • Cromolyn
  • Dexamethasone
  • Flunisolide
  • Fluticasone
  • Mometasone
  • Nedocromil
  • Triamcinolone
  • Antimicrobials

  • Colloidal/Ionic Silver
  • Pentamidine
  • Ribavirin
  • Tobramycin
  • Zanamivir
  • Pulmonary surfactants

  • Beractant
  • Calfactant
  • Colfosceril
  • Poractant alfa
  • Sympathomimetic amines

  • Amphetamine (Benzedrine)
  • Levomethamphetamine (Vicks Vapor Inhaler)
  • Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex)
  • Miscellaneous

  • Aromatic ammonia
  • Dornase alfa
  • Glutathione
  • Insulin
  • Methacholine
  • Nicotine
  • Sodium chloride
  • References

    List of medical inhalants Wikipedia

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