Rahul Sharma (Editor)

List of ecoregions in India

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List of ecoregions in India

The Himalaya, which runs across India's northern tier, is the boundary between two of the Earth's great ecozones — the Palearctic, which covers most of temperate-to-arctic Eurasia, and Indomalaya, which covers most of the Indian subcontinent and extends into Indochina, Sundaland (Malaysia and western Indonesia) and the Philippines.


  • Chhota-Nagpur dry forests (India)
  • Eastern Deccan Plateau moist forests (India)
  • Eastern Himalayan alpine meadows (Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal)
  • Eastern Himalayan broadleaf and conifer forests (Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal)
  • Himalayan subtropical pine forests (Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan)
  • Naga-Manupuri-Chin hills moist forests (India)
  • Northeast India-Myanmar pine forests (India, Myanmar)
  • Rann of Kutch Flooded Grasslands (India, Pakistan)
  • Southwestern Ghats moist forests (India)
  • Sundarbans mangroves (Bangladesh, India)
  • Terai-Duar savannas and grasslands (Bhutan, India, Nepal)
  • Tibetan Plateau steppe (Afghanistan, China, India, Pakistan, Tajikistan)
  • Western Himalayan temperate forests (Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Pakistan)
  • References

    List of ecoregions in India Wikipedia

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