Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Lewiston–Queenston Border Crossing

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United States; Canada

Canadian Phone
(905) 262-4010


US Phone
(716) 282-1500

Open 24 hours

Lewiston–Queenston Border Crossing httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

US Port: 1 Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, Lewiston, New York 14092 Canadian Port: Hwy 405, Lewiston-Queenston Bridge, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S 1J0

The Lewiston–Queenston Border Crossing connects the communities of Lewiston, New York and Queenston, Ontario on the Canada–US border via the Lewiston–Queenston Bridge. It also connects Interstate 190 with Ontario Highway 405. This crossing was established in 1962 with the completion of the bridge, which replaced the transverse-named Queenston-Lewiston Bridge, which was located about seven-tenths mile (1.1 km) to the north. In Canada, this name is sometimes used for the current bridge.

Canada replaced its border inspection facilities in 2011. The United States continues to use its original 1962 border inspection facilities; however it has announced plans to spend $50 Million to upgrade them. Both facilities are open 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. All commercial vehicles crossing between the US and Canada in the Niagara Falls area must use this crossing.


Lewiston–Queenston Border Crossing Wikipedia

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