Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Laura, Marshall Islands

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Laura (Marshallese: Ļora, [ɫʌ͡ɔɔ̯rˠɑɑ̯]) is an island town situated in Marshall Islands. It is located in the west of Majuro Atoll. At approximately 10 feet above sea level, Laura has the highest elevation of any islands in the Majuro Atoll. Marshall Islands International Airport is located on the island of Laura. A road connects the island of Laura to Djarrit.

Map of Laura, Majuro Atoll, RMI

The town was named by World War II GIs in reference to American actress Lauren Bacall. Djarrit, also known as Rita, was named in the same period for actress Rita Hayworth.


Laura, Marshall Islands Wikipedia

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