Puneet Varma (Editor)

Kyode people

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The Guang-speaking Atwode a.k.a. Akyode people live in the northern Volta basin in Ghana, Africa. These people migrated into the Volta valley from the Mossi region of Burkina Faso around 1000 AD. The Kyode language is called Gikyode.

The Atwode are made up of communities, Abrewanko, Nyambong, Chilinga, Pawa, Keri, Kromase, and Shiare. The paramount seat is in Shiare. Kingship is called 'gewura', and is the form of leadership in these communities. Each community has a chief, or 'wura', who rules the town. So the chief of Kromase will be called 'kromase wura'. But the chief of Shiare can be called 'shiare wura' or 'osulewura', which means king of the kingdom.


Kyode people Wikipedia