Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Kudzu League

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The "Kudzu League" are a loosely defined group of prestigious universities in the southern United States. The term is a parody of the term "Ivy League" (used to designate a set of eight prestigious universities in New England and the mid-Atlantic states) and alludes to the proliferation of kudzu in the American South since its introduction from Japan in the late 1800s for erosion-control purposes.

Schools frequently labeled with the term include:

  • Private institutions:
  • Duke University (Durham, North Carolina)
  • Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)
  • Rice University (Houston, Texas)
  • Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee)
  • Tulane University (New Orleans, Louisiana)
  • Furman University (Greenville, South Carolina)
  • Public institutions:
  • The University of Virginia (Charlottesville, Virginia)
  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, North Carolina)
  • The Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia)
  • The prestigious institutions Emory University and The College of William and Mary, located respectively in Atlanta, Georgia, and Williamsburg, Virginia, are often listed as additional members due to their academic excellence and location. However, as they do not participate in FBS-level college football, they are sometimes omitted.


    Kudzu League Wikipedia

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