Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Kristina Curry Rogers

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Kristina Rogers

Stony Brook University

The Sauropods

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Babies of giant dinosaurs were surprisingly self-sufficient

Kristina A. Curry Rogers is a vertebrate paleontologist and currently Associate Professor in geology and biology at Macalester College. She holds a B.Sc. in Biology from Montana State University, and a M.Sc. Ph.D. in Anatomical Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Her work focuses on questions of dinosaur biology, bone histology, growth, and evolution, especially the Titanosauria, on which she wrote her doctoral dissertation. Together with Catherine Forster, Associate Professor and her teacher at Stony Brook, she discovered and described Rapetosaurus, the most complete Cretaceous sauropod and titanosaur found to date.

Kristina Curry Rogers httpsimgapmcdnorgb1fe180f3abe4430e0bb29c1aff

Through cladistic analysis of Rapetosaurus and other titanosaurs, Curry Rogers was able to revise the phylogeny of the titanosaurs (see Curry Rogers 2005).

Kristina Curry Rogers No bones about it This dinosaur is special to a St Paul expert

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