Neha Patil (Editor)

Konkomba people

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The Konkomba people are a Gur ethnic group residing mainly in the Northern, Brong Ahafo, Volta, Eastern and Greater Accra Regions of Ghana. Saboba, Chereponi and Nanumba Districts, Kushiegu and Karaga districts, Zabzugu and Tatale-Sanguli districts in the Northern Region and the Nkwanta North and South Districts in the Volta Region are a few examples of administrative districts where Bikpakpaam are seen in huge populations. Other key towns of Bikpakpaam in Ghana are Atebubu, Kintampo, Techiman and Yeji in the Brong Ahafo Region. According to the Act 280 of the Anatomy act of Ghana, the Konkomba people (known as Bikpakpaam) are the second largest ethnic group in the Northern Region of Ghana. The 2010 census data indicates that Bikpakpaam in Ghana number 823,000 and applying the intercensal growth rate would give us a population of more than one million now. Saboba (Chabob) in the Northern Region of Ghana is the capital town of all Bikpakpaam in Ghana. Bikpakpaam are also found in the republic of Togo, a sister West African country to Ghana. In Togo Bikpakpaam reside mainly in the Kara, Central and Plateaux Regions. Guerin Kouka (a.k.a. Nanguem Do, the capital of Dankpen district) in the Kara Region is the capital town of Bikpakpaam in Togo. Dankpen district is located in the north western corridor of Togo. In Schwartz's (2005) account, Bikpakpaam number about 50,100 in Togo. The 2011 census in Togo indicates however that the total population of Bikpakpaam in Dankpen district alone was 122,209. Konkomba people speak Likpakpaanl. The traditional dance of Konkomba people is Kinachunŋ (pronounced k-i-naa-chung). All Konkomba settlements are led by a traditional chief called Ubor.


Konkomba people Wikipedia

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