Sneha Girap (Editor)

Jurij Slatkonja

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Jurij Slatkonja


1522, Vienna, Austria

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Jurij Slatkonja (German: Georg von Slatkonia, also Jurij Chrysippus, Slovenian: Jurij Slatkonja; 21 March 1456–26 April 1522) was a Carniolan choirmaster and the first residential Bishop of Vienna. He was also the first owner of an ex libris among the Slovenes. His crest contained a golden horse, from which comes his surname (Slovene slat [= zlat] 'golden' + konj 'horse').

Jurij Slatkonja httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu


Born in Ljubljana, Slatkonja studied in Ljubljana, since 1474 in Ingolstadt, and since 1475 in Vienna, where he became a Bachelor (lower academic degree) in 1477 at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1495, he was a chaplain and cantor at the court in Vienna; he was also the canon and provost of the Diocese of Ljubljana. In 1498, he was entrusted the position of the Singing Master (Singmeister) of the choir later known as the Vienna Boys' Choir, in 1500 the position of the Chapel Master (Kapellmeister) of the Vienna Court Chapel, and in 1513 of the Highest Chapel Master (obrister Capellmeister). In 1499, he was named the second provost of the Novo Mesto College Chapter. In 1513 he was given the position of the Bishop of Vienna although he continued to work as the main music organiser in the city and probably also himself composed.


Jurij Slatkonja Wikipedia

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