Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Julian Pottage

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Julian Pottage


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Defend Or Declare?: 72 Deals, Golden Rules of Defence, Why You Still Lose at Bridge, The Golden Rules of, Win the Big Match

Julian Y. Pottage (born 1962) is a British contract bridge player, writer and teacher, who studied mathematics at Trinity College Cambridge. He is also well known as a collector of bridge problems, and writes a monthly problem column in Britain's Bridge Magazine. He has written or co-authored 26 books on bridge, including Bridge Problems for a New Millennium and The Extra Edge In Play with Terence Reese (1913–1996). He also co-edited the recent second edition of Clyde E. Love's Bridge Squeezes Complete. His book Play or Defend? won the International Bridge Press Association's 2004 Book of the Year Award. Pottage is from Basingstoke.

As a player, Pottage has participated in several national and international events, notably winning the Pachabo and Tollemache double in 1999. He lives in Wales in the United Kingdom.


Julian Pottage Wikipedia

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