Tripti Joshi (Editor)

John Stembridge

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John Stembridge

Guggenheim Fellowship for Natural Sciences, US & Canada

John Stembridge is a Professor of Mathematics at University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1985 under the direction of Richard P. Stanley. His dissertation was called Combinatorial Decompositions of Characters of SL(n,C).

He is one of the participants in the Atlas of Lie Groups and Representations.


His research interests are in combinatorics, with particular emphasis on the following areas:

  • Topics related to algebra, especially representation theory
  • Coxeter groups and root systems
  • Enumerative combinatorics
  • Symmetric functions
  • Hypergeometric series and q-series
  • Computational problems and algorithms in algebra
  • He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2000 for work in Combinatorial aspects of root systems and Weyl characters..

    He has written Maple packages that can be used for computing symmetric functions, posets, root systems, and finite Coxeter groups.


    John Stembridge Wikipedia

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