Name John Frank | Role Epidemiologist | |
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Education |
John Frank, MD, CCFP, MSc, FRCPC,FCAHS, FFPH, FRSE, LLD (born 1949) is a Canadian epidemiologist.
He was trained in medicine and community medicine at the University of Toronto, in family medicine at McMaster University, and in epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
He was the founding Director of Research at the Institute for Work & Health in Toronto from 1991 until 1997, and was a Senior Scientist at that Institute until 2008.
Frank was a Fellow with the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Population Health Program until it closed in 2003, and Professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Public Health Sciences (now the Dalla Lana School of Public Health) from 1983 until 2008.
Frank was Provostial Advisor on Population Health at the University of Toronto from 1994 to 1997. From 1997 to 2001, he was Adjunct Professor at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley, where he received the Distinguished Teacher and Mentor of the Year Award.
In December 2000, he was appointed Scientific Director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research's Institute of Population and Public Health.
In July 2008, he was appointed Chair, Public Health Research and Policy, at the University of Edinburgh, having been competitively hired as Director of a new Centre, the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (
LIFETIME PUBLICATIONS: Books, Chapters and Monographs: (*refereed) 1. Basinski A, Frank JW, Naylor CD, Rachlis MM. ("The Toronto Working Group") Detection and Management of Asymptomatic Hypercholesterolemia: A Policy Document. Ontario Task Force on Use and Provision of Medical Services, Toronto, 74 pages, 1989.* 2. Naylor CD, Basinski A, Frank JW, Rachlis MM. Asymptomatic Hypercholesterol¬emia: A Clinical Policy Review (extensively revised from document above). Special issue, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1990; 3(10):1029-1121.* 3. Mustard JF, Frank JW, (on behalf of the Population Health Program, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.) The Determinants of Health. (Working Paper) CIAR, Toronto, 1991. 4. Hertzman C, Frank JW, Evans RG. Heterogeneities in Health Status and the Determinants of Population Health. IN: Evans RG, Barer M and Marmor T (Eds.) Why Are Some People Healthy and Others Not? Hawthorne, New York: Aldine-De Gruyter, 1994, 67-92. 5. Polanyi M, Eakin J, Frank JW, Shannon H, Sullivan T. Creating Healthier Work Environments: A Critical Review of the Health Impacts of Workplace Change. IN: Canada Health Action: Building on the Legacy -- Papers Commissioned by the National Forum on Health. Ste. Foy, Quebec: National Forum on Health/Editions Multimondes, 1998, Volume 3, 87-148.* 6. Sinclair SJ, Sullivan TJ, Clarke JA, Frank, JW. A Framework for Examining Return-To-Work. IN: Yates E, Burton J (Eds.).International Examinations of Medico-Legal Aspects of Work-Related Injury. London: Scarecrow Press, 1998, 263-301. 7. Polanyi M, Frank JW, Lavis J, Shain M, Shannon HS, Sullivan TJ, et al. Promoting the Determinants of Health in the Workplace. IN: Poland B, Green LW, Rootman I (Eds.). Settings for Health Promotion: Linking Theory and Practice. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 2000,.138-159.* 8. Shainblum E, Sullivan TJ, Frank JW. Multicausality, Non-Traditional Injury, and the Future of Workers' Compensation. IN: Hyatt D, Gunderson M (Eds.) Workers’ Compensation: Foundations for Reform. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000, 58-95.* 9. Frank JW. Paradoxical Aspects of Low Back Pain in Workers’ Compensation Settings. IN: Hyatt D, Gunderson M (Eds.) Workers’ Compensation: Foundations for Reform. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000, 96-117.* 10. Frank JW, Maetzel A. Determining What Constitutes an Occupational Disorder: Can this Camel Really Carry More Straw? (Commissioned paper for the Royal Commission on Workers Compensation of British Columbia.) IN: Sullivan TJ (Ed.) Injury and the New World of Work. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2000, 265-283. * 11. Sullivan TJ, Frank JW. Introduction and Overview. IN: Sullivan TJ (Ed. Injury and the New World of Work. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2000, 3-24.* 12. Hogg-Johnson SA, Cole DC, Côté P, Frank JW. What We Know About the Timing and Site of Interventions for Low Back Pain and Upper Extremity Disorders? (Commissioned paper for the Royal Commission on Workers Compensation of British Columbia) IN: Sullivan TJ (Ed.) Injury and the New World of Work. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2000, 210-218.* 13. Yen IH, Frank JW. Improving the Health of Working Families: Research Connections between Work and Health. Washington, D.C.: National Policy Association, 2002. 14. Sullivan TJ, Frank JW. (Ed.) Disability at Work: A Wicked Problem. London: Taylor and Francis, 2003. 15. Guzmán J, Frank J, Stock S, Yassi A, Loisel P, for the Work-Ready Group. Stakeholder Views of Return to Work After Occupational Injury. IN: Sullivan T and Frank J (Eds.): Preventing and Managing Disabling Injury at Work. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2003. 16. Franche R, Frank J, Krause N. Prediction of Occupational Disability. IN: I. Schultz and R. Gatchel (Eds.): Handbook of Complex Occupational Disability Claims: Early Risk Identification, Intervention and Prevention. Kluwer Academic Press, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005; pp 93-116. 17. Frank JW, Lomax G, Baird P, Lock M. Interactive Role of Genes and the Environment (Chapter 1). IN: SJ Heymann, C Hertzman, M Barer, R Evans (Eds.): Healthier Societies: from Analysis to Action. Oxford University Press: Toronto, 2006, pp. 11-34. 18. Hertzman C, Frank JW. Biological Pathways Linking the Social Environment, Developmental and Health (Chapter 2). IN: SJ Heymann, C Hertzman, M Barer, R Evans (Eds.): Healthier Societies: from Analysis to Action. Oxford University Press: Toronto, 2006, pp. 35-57. 19. Frank JW, Mustard C, Dunn J, Ross N, Di Ruggiero E. Assessing and Addressing Health Inequalities: The Canadian Experience (Chapter 5). IN: A Killoran, C Swann and M Kelly (Eds). Public Health Evidence: Tackling Health Inequalities. Oxford University Press: London, 2006; pp 485-508. (commissioned by the U.K. Health Development Agency) 20. Labonté R, Frank JW, Di Ruggiero E. Introduction [to Part I – Unfair Cases: Social Inequalities in Health.] IN: Green J and Labonté R (Eds), Critical Perspectives in Public Health. Routledge: Oxford, 2008, pp. 14-28. 21. Smith P and Frank JW. Chapter 4: The Changing Nature of Work in Canada and other Developed Countries: What do the Trends over Time Tell Us? IN: Schnall P, Dobson M and Rosskam E (Eds.): Unhealthy Work: Causes, Consequences and Cures. Baywood Publishing Company: New York, 2009, pp. 61-78. 22. Geddes R, Frank JW, Haw S. Interventions to Promote Early Child Development for Health. Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy: Edinburgh, 2010 (122 pages).* Downloadable at 23. Jackson C., Haw S., Frank J. Adolescent and Young Adult Health in Scotland: Interventions That Address Multiple Risk Behaviours or Take a Generic Approach to Risk in Youth. Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy: Edinburgh, 2010 (102 pages).* Downloadable at 24. Frost H, Haw S, Frank J. Interventions in Primary Care and Community Settings that Prevent or Delay Disablement in Older People. Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy: Edinburgh, 2011 (132 pages)* Downloadable at 25. Mooney J. Haw S, Frank J. Interventions to Tackle the Obesogenic Environment – Focusing on Adults of Working Age in Scotland. Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy: Edinburgh, 2011 (108 pages) * Downloadable at 26. Frank JW, Jepson R. High-Risk Versus Population Prevention Strategies For Chronic Disease: Geoffrey Rose Revisited In The 21st Century. In: McQueen, D. (Ed.) Global Handbook on Non-communicable Disease and Health Promotion. Springer: New York, 2013, pp 3-19.* 27. Frank JW, Jepson R, Williams AJ. Disease Prevention: A Critical Toolkit. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016 (215 pages). [ISBN #978-0-19-872586-2].* 28. Frank J, Bernstein A. “Population Health” in Barer M et al (Eds.) Chapter in Festschrift volume for Professor Robert G. Evans, University of British Columbia, 2017*
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals 1. Young TK, Frank JW. Cancer surveillance in a remote Indian population in northwestern Ontario. American Journal of Public Health 1983; 74:515-20. 2. Frank JW, McMurray L, Henderson M. Increasing influenza immunization coverage in the elderly. 1. The determinants of vaccine acceptance. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1985; 132:371-5. 3. Frank JW, Henderson M. McMurray L. Increasing influenza immunization coverage in the elderly: 2.The economics of reminder notices. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1985; 132:516-21. 4. Frank JW. Explaining vaccine failures: The use of a sports analogy. Canadian Journal of Public Health 1985; 76:130-2. 5. Frank JW. Occult blood screening for colorectal carcinoma: 1. The benefits. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1985; 1(3):3-9. 6. Frank JW. Occult blood screening for colorectal carcinoma: 2. The risks. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1985; 1(5):25-32. 7. Frank JW. Occult blood screening for colorectal carcinoma: 3. Yield and costs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1985; 1(5):18-24. 8. Frank JW, Mai V. Breast self-examination in young women. More good than harm? Lancet 1985; 2:654-57. 9. Caulfield P, Frank JW, McMurray L, Henderson M, Hutchison B. Home-based nurse screening of the older elderly - Report of a pilot project. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 1986 (February); 85-95. 10. Carter A, Frank JW. Congenital toxoplasmosis: A critical review. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1986; 135:618-23. 11. Taylor S, Frank JW, White N, Myers J. Modelling the incidence of childhood diarrhoea. Social Science and Medicine 1986; 23(10):995-1002. 12. McIntyre L, Frank JW. The evaluation of the demented patient. Journal of Family Practice 1987; 24(4):399-404. 13. Westlake SJ, Frank JW. Testicular self-examination - an argument against routine teaching. Family Practice 1987; 4:143-8. 14. Frank JW, Goel V, Harvey B, Coates RA, Schiralli V. A critical look at HIV antibody tests: 1. How accurate are they? Canadian Family Physician 1987; 33:2005-11. 15. Frank JW, Harvey B. Goel V. Coates RA, Schiralli V. A critical look at HIV antibody tests: 2. Risks, benefits and clinical use. Canadian Family Physician 1987; 33:2229-35. 16. Perlman M, Frank JW. Bilirubin beyond the blood-brain barrier. Pediatrics 1988; 81:304-15. 17. Frank JW. Causation revisited (Editorial). Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1988; 41:425-6. 18. Hutchison BG, Caulfield PA, McMurray L, Frank JW. Health, functional and social status of an elderly primary-care population. Canadian Family Physician 1988; 34:1293-7. 19. Leatt P, Frank JW. Organizational issues in integrating preventive services into primary care. (Solicited paper for International Symposium on Preventive Services in Primary Care, Montreal, October 7, 1987). American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1988; 4(4):supp. 127-137. 20. Frank JW, Goel V, Coates RA, Harvey B, Schiralli V. Testing for human immunodeficiency virus: Ethical considerations revisited. (Editorial) Canadian Medical Association Journal 1988; 139:287-8. 21. Frank JW, Gibson B, MacPherson M. Information Needs in Epidemiology: Detecting the health effects of environmental chemical exposure. In: "Information Needs for Risk Management Environmental Monograph No. 8" (Fowle CD, Grima AP, Munn RE, eds.) Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Toronto, pp 129-144, 1988. 22. Frank JW, Schabas R, Arshinoff, Brant R. Diphtheria-tetanus overimmunization in children with no records: Can it be prevented? Canadian Medical Association Journal 1989; 141:1241-6. 23. Frank JW, Coates RA, Brant R, Garbutt J. Sample sizes for needles in a haystack: the case of HIV seroprevalence surveys. Canadian Journal of Public Health 1990; 81:50-1. 24. Taylor SM, Elliott S, Eyles J, Frank JW, Haight M, Streiner D, Walter S, White N, Willms D. Psychosocial impacts in populations exposed to solid waste facilities, in Bentham G., Haynes R., and Langford I. (eds.) Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium in Medical Geography. University of East Anglia, School of Environmental Sciences, Norwich, U.K., 1990, 282-290. 25. Taylor SM, Hayes M, Frank JW, White N. The risk approach in diarrhoeal disease intervention in Grenada. Social Science and Medicine 1990; 30:1089-95. 26. Taylor SM, Elliott SJ, Stieb D, Walter S, Frank JW. Psychosocial effects in populations exposed to solid waste facilities. Proceedings, Environmental Research: Technology Transfer Conference 1991, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto. Vol 1; 382-394. 27. Blayney M, Costello S, Perlman M, Lui K, Frank JW. A new system for location of endotracheal tubes in preterm and term infants. Pediatrics 1991; 87:44-7. 28. Taylor SM, Elliott S, Eyles J, Frank JW, Haight M, Streiner D, Walter S, White N, Williams D. Psychosocial impacts in populations exposed to solid waste facilities. Social Science and Medicine 1991; 33(4):441-47. 29. Benfante R, Reed DM, Frank JW. Does cigarette smoking have an independent effect on coronary disease incidence in the elderly? American Journal of Public Health 1991; 81:897-9. 30. Benfante R, Reed DM, Frank JW. Do coronary risk factors measured in the elderly have the same predictive value as in middle age? Comparisons of relative and attributable risks. Annals of Epidemiology 1992; 2:273-82. 31. Coates RA, Frank JW, Arshinoff R. et al. Preliminary results from the Ontario HIV seroprevalence study in women of childbearing age. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 1992;15(1):1-7. 32. Frank JW, Reed DM, Grove J, Benfante R. Will lowering population levels of serum cholesterol reduce total mortality? Expectations from Honolulu Heart Program. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1992; 45:333-46. 33. Coates RA, Frank JW, Jackson L, Major C, McLaughlin B, Wallace E, Millson ME, Demshar H, Khazen R, Powell M, Givan K, O'Shaughnessy M. The Ontario HIV Seroprevalence Study of Childbearing Women. (Abstract) The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1992, vol 3, supp. A, 16A. 34. Elliott SJ, Taylor SM, Walter SD, Stieb D, Frank JW, Eyles J. Modelling psychosocial effects of exposure to solid waste facilities. Social Science and Medicine 1993; 37:791-804. 35. Frank JW, Newman J. Breastfeeding in a polluted world: Uncertain risks, clear benefits. Canadian Medical Association Journal 1993; 149:33-7. 36. Bloom J, Frank JW, Shafir S, Martiquet P. Potentially undesirable prescribing in the elderly: Measurable and remediable? Canadian Family Physician 1993; 39:2337-45. 37. Cohen JE, Goel V, Frank JW, Bombardier C, Peloso P, Guillemin F. Group education interventions for people with low back pain: An overview of the literature. 1 Spine 1994; 19:1214-22. 38. Cohen JE, Goel V, Frank JW, Gibson ES. Predicting risk of back injuries, work absenteeism and chronic disability: The shortcomings of pre-placement screening.1 Journal of Occupational Medicine 1994; 36:1093-9. 39. Gyorkos TW, Tannenbaum TN, Abrahamowicz M, Oxman AD, Scott EAF, Millson ME, Rasooly I, Frank JW, Riben PD, Mathias RG, Best A. Report of the Community Health Practice Guidelines Working Group: An Approach to the Development of Practice Guidelines for Community Health Interventions. Canadian Journal of Public Health 1994; S8-S13. 40. Oxman AF, Scott EAF, Sellors JW, Clarke J, Millson ME, Rasooly I, Frank JW, Naus M. Report of the Community Health Practice Guidelines Working Group: Partner Notification for Sexually Transmitted Diseases: An Overview of the Evidence. Canadian Journal of Public Health 1994; S41-S47. 41. Rasooly I, Millson ME, Frank JW, Naus M, Coates RA, Oxman AD, Scott EAF, Sellors JW, Clark J. A Survey of Public Health Partner Notification for Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health 1994; S48-S52. 42. Millson ME, Rasooly I, Scott EAF, Oxman AD, Frank JW, Sellors JW, Naus M, Clarke J, Gates RH. Report of the Community Health Practice Guidelines Working Group: Partner Notification for Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Proposed Practice Guidelines. Canadian Journal Public Health 1994; S53-S55. 43. Bombardier C, Kerr MS, Shannon HS, Frank JW. A guide to interpreting epidemiologic studies on the etiology of back pain.1 Spine 1994; 19:2047S-56S. 44. Frank JW, Mustard JF. Historical perspective on how prosperity has influenced health and wellbeing. Daedalus 1994; 123:1-19. [A substantially revised and expanded version of Honda conference proceedings paper, listed below.] 45. Frank JW, Pulcins IR, Kerr MS, Shannon HS, Stansfeld SA. Occupational back pain - an unhelpful polemic.1 Scandinavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health 1995; 21:3-14. [Reprinted in part by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in: Harris JS and Loeppke RR (Eds.) Integrated Health Management. Beverley Farms, MA: OEM Press, 1998.] 46. Frank JW. Why "population health"? (Invited commentary) Canadian Journal of Public Health 1995; 86:162-4. 47. Shafir S, Waters I, McCrory K, Frank JW, Lanning A, Silversides C. An RCT of requests for patient consent to observe/videotape their care. Canadian Family Physician 1995; 41:1367-72. 48. Tammemagi MC, Frank JW, Leblanc M, Artsob H, Streiner DL. Methodological issues in assessing reproducibility - a comparative study of various indices of reproducibility applied to repeat ELISA serologic tests for Lyme disease. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1995; 48:1123-1132. 49. Tammemagi MC, Frank JW, LeBlanc M, Artsob H. Intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of an ELISA serologic test for Lyme disease. Canadian Journal of Infectious Disease 1995; 6(2):90-95. 50. Strathdee S, Frank JW, McLaughlin J, et al. Quantitative measures of HIV-specific antibodies predict progression to AIDS. Journal of Infectious Diseases 1995; 172:1375-9. 51. Frank JW, The determinants of health: a new synthesis. (Invited paper.) Current Issues in Public Health 1995; 1: 233-240. 52. Cole DC, Tarasuk VS, Frank JW, Eyles J. Research responses to outbreaks of concern about local environments. Archives of Environmental Health 1996; 51(5):352-58. 53. Frank JW, Kerr MS, Brooker AS, et al. Disability resulting from occupational low back pain. Part I: What do we know about primary prevention? A review of the scientific evidence on prevention before disability begins.1 Spine 1996;21(24):2908-17 54. Frank JW, Brooker AS, DeMaio S, et al. Disability resulting from occupational low back pain: Part II: What do we know about secondary prevention? A review of the scientific evidence on prevention after disability begins.1 Spine 1996; 21(24):2918-29.[Reprinted in part by the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in: Harris JS and Loeppke RR (Eds.) Integrated Health Management. Beverley Farms, MA: OEM Press, 1998.] 55. Rael E, Badley E, Frank JW, Shannon HS. Using labour force and census survey data to generate denominators for occupational injury rates: an application and expansion of Haggar-Guénette's method.1 Chronic Diseases in Canada 1996; 17:87-91. 56. Wells R, Norman R, Neumann P, Andrews D, Frank JW, Shannon H, Kerr M. Assessment of physical work load in epidemiologic studies: common measurement metrics for exposure. Ergonomics 1997; 40(1):51-62. 57. Brooker AS, Frank JW, Tarasuk VS. Back pain claim rates and the business cycle.1 Social Science and Medicine 1997; 45:429-39. 58. Frank JW, Sinclair SJ, Hogg-Johnson SA, Shannon H, Bombardier C, Beaton D, Cole D. Preventing disability from low back pain: new evidence offers new hope -if we can just get all the players onside.1 Canadian Medical Association Journal 1998; 158:1625-31. 59. Norman R, Wells R, Neumann P, Kerr M. Frank JW, Shannon H. A comparison of peak versus cumulative physical work exposure risk factors for the reporting of low back pain in the automotive industry. Clinical Biomechanics 1998; 13(8)561-573. (Winner of the International Society of Biomechanics XVIth Congress “Clinical Biomechanics Award.”) 60. Norman R, Wells R, Neumann WP, Frank JW, Shannon H, Kerr M, O’Leary-Kelly SW, Vokurka R. The empirical assessment of construct validity. J Operations Management 1998; 16(4): DOI: 10.1016/S0272-6963(98)00020-5. 61. Hudak P, Cole D, Frank JW. Perspectives on prognosis of soft tissue musculoskeletal disorders.1 International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 1998; 21:29-40. 62. Hutchison B, Birch S, Evans CE, Goldsmith LJ, Markham B, Frank JW, Patterson M. Selective opportunistic screening for hypercholesterolemia in primary care practice. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1998; 51: 817-25. 63. Hutchison B, Birch S, Evans CE, Goldsmith LJ, Markham B, Frank JW, Patterson M.. Screening for hypercholesterolemia in primary care: RCT of a postal questionnaire appraising risk of coronary heart disease. BMJ 1998; 316: 1208-1213. 64. Hemingway HW, Shipley M, Stansfeld S, Shannon H, Frank JW, Brunner E, Marmot M. Are risk factors for atherothrombotic disease associated with back pain sickness absence? The Whitehall II Study. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health 1999; 53:197-203. 65. Neumann WP, Wells RP, Norman RW, Andrews DM, Frank JW, Shannon HS, Kerr MS. Comparison of four peak spinal loading spinal exposure measurement methods and their association with low back pain. Scand J Work Environ Health 1999; 25:404-409. 66. McIntosh G, Frank JW, Hogg-Johnson S, Bombardier C, Hall H. Prognostic factors for time on workers’ compensation benefits in a cohort of low back pain patients. Spine 2000; 25(2): 147-157. [Awarded Best Junior Investigator Paper by the Society for the Investigation of the Lumbar Spine, 1999.] 67. Frank JW, Moore R, Ames G. Historical and cultural roots of drinking problems among North American Indians. Am J Public Health 2000; 90:344-351. 68. Brooker AS, Cole DC, Hogg-Johnson S, Smith J, Frank JW. Modified work: prevalence and characteristics in a sample of workers with soft tissue injuries.1 J Occ Environ Med 2001; 43:276-284. 69. Kerr MS, Frank JW, Shannon HS et al. A case-control study of biomechanical and psychosocial risk factors for low-back pain reported at work.1 Am J Public Health 2001; 91:1069-75. 70. Côté P, Clarke J, Deguire S, Frank JW, Yassi A. Chiropractors and their approaches towards return-to-work: The experiences of focus groups in three Canadian provinces.1 J Manip Physiolog Therap 2001; 24:309-316. 71. Côté P, Hogg-Johnson SA, Cassidy JD, Carroll L, Frank JW. The association between neck pain intensity, physical functioning, depressive symptomatology and time-to-claim-closure after whiplash. J Clin Epidemiol 2001; 54:275-286.) 72. Neumann WP, Wells R, Norman R, Frank JW, Shannon H, Kerr M, and the OUBPS Working Group. A posture and load sampling approach to determining low back injury risk in occupational settings. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2001; 27: 65-77. 73. Neumann WP, Wells RP, Norman RW, Kerr MS, Frank JW, Shannon HS and the OUBPS Working Group. Trunk Posture: reliability, accuracy and risk estimates for low back pain from a video-based assessment method. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2001; 28:355-365. 74. Power C, Frank JW, Hertzman C, Schierhout G, Li L. Predictors of low back pain onset in a prospective British study. Am J Public Health 2001:91:1671-1678. 75. Mondloch MV, Cole DC, Frank JW. Does how you do depend on how you think you’ll do? A systematic review of the evidence for a relation between patients’ recovery expectations and outcomes.1 Can Med Assoc J 2001;165(2):174-179. 76. Catalano R, Frank JW. Did medical advances and increased health care insurance coverage improve mortality from TB and other causes? J Clin Epidemiol 2001; 54:830-836. 77. Côté P, Cassidy D, Carroll L, Frank JW, Bombardier C. A systematic review of the prognosis of acute whiplash and a new conceptual framework to synthesize the literature.1 Spine 2001; 26: E445-E458. 78. Krause N, Frank JW, Sullivan TJ, Dasinger L, Sinclair S, Rudolph L. Determinants of duration of disability and return-to-work after work-related injury and illness: challenges for future research. American Journal of Industrial Medicine; 2001; 40:464-484. 79. Baldwin ML, Côté P, Frank JW, Johnson WG. Cost-effectiveness studies of medical and chiropractic care for occupational back pain: a critical review of the literature. The Spine Journal 2001; 1:138-147. 80. Mondloch MV, Cole DC, and the ECC Prognostic Modelling Group. Listening to injured workers: how recovery expectations predict outcomes--a prospective study. Can Med Assoc J 2002; 166(6):749-54. 81. Frank JW, Lomax G. Public health action to control hazards: How good should the evidence be? New Solutions 2002; 12(1):17-25. 82. Buckeridge DB, Mason R, Robertson A, Frank JW, Glazier R, Purdon L, et al. Making health data maps: a case study of a community/university collaboration. Social Science & Medicine 2002; 55(7):1189-1206. 83. Buckeridge D, Glazier R, Harvey BJ, Escobar M, Amrhein C, Frank JW. Effect of motor vehicle emissions on respiratory health in an urban area. Environmental Health Perspectives 2002; 110(3):293-300. 84. McIntosh G, Frank JW, Hogg-Johnson SA, Bombardier C, Hall H. Low back pain prognosis: a structured review of the literature. J Occup Rehab 2002; 10(2):101-115. 85. Frank JW,. Di Ruggiero E. Public health in Canada: What are the real issues? Can J Public Health 2003; 94(3):190-192. 86. Hogg-Johnson SA, Cole DC, and the ECC Prognostic Modelling Groups1. Early prognostic factors for duration of benefits among workers with compensated soft tissue injuries. Occup Environ Med 2003; 60:244-53. 87. Frank JW, Cohen R, Yen I, Balfour J, Smith M. Socioeconomic gradients in health status over 29 years of follow-up after mid-life: the Alameda County Study. Soc Sci Med 2003; 57(12):2305-23. 88. Frank JW, Di Ruggiero E. Prevention: delivering the goods. (Invited article) in Longwoods Review, Healthcare Quarterly 2003; 2:2-8. 89. Baril R, Clarke J, Friesen M, Stock S, Cole D, and the Work-Ready Group. Management of return-to-work programs for workers with musculoskeletal disorders: a qualitative study in three Canadian provinces. Soc Sci Med 2003; 57:2101-14. 90. Di Ruggiero E, Frank JW, Moloughney B. Strengthen Canada’s public health system now. Can J Public Health 2004; 95(1):5, 11. 91. Frank JW, Di Ruggiero E, Moloughney B. “Think Tank on the Future of Public Health in Canada”. Can J Public Health 2004; 95(1):6-10. 92. Rugulies R, Braff J, Frank JW, et al. The psychosocial work environment and musculoskeletal disorders: Design of a comprehensive interviewer-administered questionnaire. Amer J Industrial Med 2004; 45:428–439. 93. Frank JW. Setting research priorities for arthritis: The environmental perspective. J Rheumatol 2005; 32 Suppl 72:58-61. 94. Gordon DR, Ames G, Yen I, Gillen M, Aust B, Rugulies R, Frank JW, Blanc Pl. Integrating qualitative research into occupational health research: A case study among hospital workers. J Occup Environ Med 2005; 47:399-409. 95. Madlensky L, McLaughlin JR, Carrolle JC, Goel V, Frank JW. Risks and benefits of population-based genetic testing for Mendelian subsets of common diseases were examined using the example of colorectal cancer risk. J Clin Epidemiol 2005; 58:934-941. 96. Smith P, Frank JW. When aspirations and achievements don’t meet. A longitudinal examination of the differential effect of education and occupational attainment on declines in self-rated health among Canadian labour force participants. Int J Epidemiol 2005; 34(4):827–834. 97. Kiefer L and the Working Group. Fostering evidence-based decision-making in Canada: Examining the need for a Canadian population and public health evidence centre & research network. Can J Pub Hlth 2005; 96:I1-40. 98. Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, Cassidy JD, Carroll L, Frank JW, Bombardier C. Initial patterns of clinical care and recovery from whiplash injuries: A population-based cohort study . Arch Intern Med 2005; 165:2257-2263. 99. Mustard CA, Kalcevich C, Frank JW, Boyle M, Childhood and early adult predictors of risk of incident back pain: Ontario Child Health Study 2001 follow-up. Amer J Epidemiology 2005; 162(8):1-8. 100. Frank J and Finegood D. Foreword from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research; in Vol. 96, Supplement 3: Understanding the Forces that Influence Our Eating Habits – What we know and need to know. Can J Pub Hlth 2005; 96(Supplement 3):S5. 101. Franche R-L, Cullen K, Clarke J, Irvin E, Sinclair S, Frank J. Workplace-based return-to-work interventions: a systematic review of the quantitative literature. J Occup Rehabil 2005; 15(4):607-631. 102. Di Ruggiero E, Zarowsky C, Frank JW, Mhatre S, Aslanyan G, Perry A, Previsich N. Coordinating Canada’s research response to global health challenges: the Global Health Research Initiative. Can J Pub Hlth 2006; 97:29-31. 103. Etches V, Frank JW, Di Ruggiero E, Manuel D. Measuring population health: a review of indicators. Ann Rev Pub Hlth 2006; 27:27-55. 104. Frank JW, Cullen K. Preventing injury, illness and disability at work. Scand J Work Environ Health 2006; 32:160-167. 105. Frank J, Di Ruggiero E, McInnes RR, Kramer MS, Gagnon F. Large life-course cohorts for characterizing genetic and environmental contributions: the need for more thoughtful designs [the changing face of epidemiology]. Epidemiology 2006; 17(6):595-598. 106. Medlar B, Mowat, D, Di Ruggiero E, and Frank JW. Introducing the National Collaborating Centres in Public Health. Can Med Assoc J, 2006; 175:493-494. 107. Frank J, Di Ruggiero E. Forward from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Population and Public Health. Canadian J Public Health 2006; 97(S3):3. 108. Choi BCK, Frank JW, Mindell JS, Orlova A, Lin V, Vaillancourt ADMG, et al. Vision for a global registry of anticipated public health studies (GRAPHS). Amer J Pub Hlth 2007; 97: S82-S87. 109. Buckeridge D, Switzer P, Owens DK, Frank JW, Musen MA. Evaluating detection of an inhalational anthrax outbreak – a comparison of clinical case-findings to syndromic surveillance. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2006; 12:12:1942-9. 110. 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