Sneha Girap (Editor)

Jean Paoli

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Jean Paoli

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OSCON 2010: Jean Paoli, "Open Cloud, Open Data"

Jean Paoli was one of the inventors of XML. Along with Tim Bray and Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Paoli co-edited the XML 1.0 recommendation for the World Wide Web Consortium starting in 1997 and until at least 2008.

Paoli moved from Paris to join Microsoft in 1996, where he worked on the Channel Definition Format for Internet Explorer 4.0, advocated for the original Microsoft Office XML formats, and promoted Office Open XML. Along with Adriana Neagu and others he was a co-inventor of InfoPath and is named on its patented way of authoring XML using DHTML views and XSLT.


Jean Paoli Wikipedia

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