Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Jean Le Fèvre (canon)

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Jean Le Fèvre (also Jehan Lefèvre), (1493, Dijon – 1565) was an 16th-century French canon in Langres and Bar-sur-Aube.


  • 1536: Livret des emblesmes de maistre André Alciat ; mis en rime françoyse [by Jehan Lefèvre]
  • 1572: Jean Le Fèvre was the first author of the dictionary of rhymes : Dictionnaire des rymes françoises de feu M. Jean Le Fèvre ; reduict en bon ordre et augmenté d'un grand nombre de vocables, of which a reprint was made in 1587, by his nephew Étienne Tabourot, sieur des Accords, called Tabourot des Accords.
  • We also owe him some translations from Italian to French.
  • References

    Jean Le Fèvre (canon) Wikipedia

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