Genre AdventurousFantasy Starring See below Original language(s) Hindi | Created by Amrit Sagar Country of origin India No. of seasons 01 | |
Janbaaz Sindbad is an Indian adventurous fantasy television series, which premiered on 27 December 2015, and is broadcast on Zee TV. The show is based on Sinbad the Sailor folktale and is produced by Sagar Pictures and Ashvini Yardi, Meenakshi Sagar. It was a weekly series airing on every Sunday nights. The show ended abruptly without completing the story due to the low TRP ratings, the last episode was telecasted on 28th February 2016.
With lush landscapes and a surreal under-water world, Janbaaz Sindbad is a fascinating world where good combats evil. Mamik Singh is seen playing the role of Arslaan in the series.
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