Sneha Girap (Editor)

Ivano Staccioli

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Years active
1960 - 1991

Ivano Staccioli

Film actor

Ivano Staccioli wwwwearyslothcomGalleryActorsS6284528498gif

July 15, 1995, Rome, Italy

Women's Camp 119, Spartacus and the Ten Gladi, SS Girls, 30 Winchesters for El Dia, Have a Good Funeral

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Spartacus and the ten gladiators 1964 dan vadis helga line ivano staccioli sword and sandal

Ivano Staccioli (3 January 1927 – 15 July 1995) was an Italian film actor.

Ivano Staccioli Ivano Staccioli Wikipedia

Staccioli made 70 appearances between 1960 and 1991, mostly in film. He is best known for his appearances in historical adventures and action or western films in the 1960s. Particularly in the early 1960s he appeared in many gladiatorial films or ancient epics. In 1965 he starred in the western 30 Winchester per El Diablo and A 008, operazione Sterminio, a spoof of the James Bond genre.

In the mid to late 1960s he was often credited as John Heston for Italian films dubbed for the American audience, particularly his westerns.


Ivano Staccioli Wikipedia

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