Puneet Varma (Editor)

Ion Budai Deleanu

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24 August 1820, Lviv, Ukraine

Eugen Simion, Vasile Alecsandri, Gheorghe Chivu, Romul Munteanu, Ion Codru‑Drăgușanu

Ion Budai-Deleanu (1760-1820) was a Romanian scholar and poet, born in Transylvania.

Budai-Deleanu studied in the College of Saint Barbara in Vienna. After completing his doctorate at the University of Erlau, he settled in Lemberg (now Lviv in Ukraine). He finished an epic poem, entitled Țiganiada ("Gypsy Epic"), about Vlad the Impaler, the medieval ruler of Wallachia.

Ion Budai-Deleanu Radio Romania International The Gypsies39 Camp

He was one of the first proponents of the idea of the unification of the lands that now form Romania. He proposed that the union should be achieved under the rule of the Habsburgs, through the annexation of Wallachia and Moldavia into the Grand Principality of Transylvania.

Ion Budai-Deleanu Ioan Budai Deleanu

According to Budai-Deleanu, the Dacians did not have a role in the ethnogenesis of the Romanian people. He thought that the Dacians were the ancestors of the Poles.

Ion Budai-Deleanu Carti Ioan BudaiDeleanu targulcartiiro

He promoted the purification of the Romanian language from loanwords, proposing that only borrowings from Italian and French should be permitted. He also strove for the replacement of the Cyrillic script with the Latin alphabet.

Ion Budai-Deleanu Tiganiada Ion Budai Deleanu YouTube

Ion Budai-Deleanu Semnificatii istorice pentru ziua de 8 septembrie


Ion Budai-Deleanu Wikipedia

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