Puneet Varma (Editor)

International Confederation of Architectural Museums

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The International Confederation of Architectural Museums (ICAM) is an organisation of architectural museums, centres and collections, dedicated to fostering links between all those interested in promoting the better understanding of architecture. It was founded in 1979,


  • Architekturzentrum Wien
  • Canada
  • Canadian Centre for Architecture
  • Czech Republic
  • Cabinet of Architecture, Ostrava
  • Estonia
  • Museum of Estonian Architecture
  • Finland
  • Alvar Aalto Museum
  • Museum of Finnish Architecture
  • France
  • Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine
  • Germany
  • Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
  • German Architecture Museum
  • Latvia
  • Latvian Museum of Architecture
  • Poland
  • Museum of Architecture, Wrocław
  • Sweden
  • Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design
  • Switzerland
  • Swiss Architecture Museum
  • United Kingdom
  • Sir John Soane's Museum
  • University of Brighton Design Archives
  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • United States
  • Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library, Columbia University
  • Chicago Architecture Foundation
  • Fallingwater Museum
  • Harvard Design School
  • The Museum of Modern Art
  • The Athenaeum of Philadelphia
  • The Getty Research Institute
  • The Heinz Architectural Center Carnegie Museum of Art
  • The Library of Congress
  • The MIT Museum
  • The Wolfsonian–Florida International University
  • University Art Museum, UCSB
  • University of California, Berkeley Environmental Design Archives
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Virginia Center for Architecture at Branch House, Richmond, Virginia
  • Yale University
  • A+D Museum in Los Angeles
  • Richard Meier & Partners Architects Model Museum
  • References

    International Confederation of Architectural Museums Wikipedia

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