Girish Mahajan (Editor)

In Black and White (short story collection)

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In Black and White (short story collection) t0gstaticcomimagesqtbnANd9GcSdJMHRNJxQGCVi4o

The Story of the Gadsbys, Under the Deodars, Soldiers Three, From Sea to Sea and Other Ske, Wee Willie Winkie and Other Chi

In Black and White is a collection of eight short stories by Rudyard Kipling which was first published in a booklet of 108 pages as no. 3 of A H Wheeler & Co.’s Indian Railway Library in 1888. It was subsequently published in a book along with nos 1 and 2, Soldiers Three (1888) and The Story of the Gadsbys, as Soldiers Three (1899). The characters about whom the stories are concerned are native Indians, rather than the British for writing about whom Kipling may be better known; four of the stories are narrated by the Indians, and four by an observant wise English journalist (the persona that Kipling likes to adopt). The stories are:

  • "Dray Wara Yow Dee" - told by an Afghan (Pathan) narrator
  • "The Judgement of Dungara" - told by an English narrator
  • "At Howli Thana" - told by an Indian narrator
  • "Gemini" - told by an Indian narrator
  • "At Twenty-Two" - told by an English narrator
  • "In Flood Time" - told by an Indian narrator
  • "The Sending of Dana Dee" - told by an English narrator
  • "On the City Wall" - told by an English narrator
  • References

    In Black and White (short story collection) Wikipedia

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