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The Hungarian Cyrillic alphabet is used in Vojvodina in Serbia. It was first introduced in 1945.
Аа = Aa / Áá
Бб = Bb
Вв = Vv
Гг = Gg
Дд = Dd
Ђђ = GYgy
Ее = Ee / Éé
Жж = ZSzs
Зз = Zz
Ѕѕ = DZdz
Ии = Ii / Íí
Јј = Jj
Кк = Kk
Лл = Ll
Љљ = LYly
Мм = Mm
Нн = Nn
Њњ = NYny
Оо = Oo / Óó
Өө = Öö / Őő
Пп = Pp
Рр = Rr
Сс = SZsz
Тт = Tt
Ћћ = TYty
Уу = Uu / Úú
Үү = Üü / Űű
Фф = Ff
Хх = Hh
Цц = Cc
Чч = CScs
Џџ = DZSdzs
Шш = Ss
Letters only in loanwords include Q (КВ), W (В), X (КС), and Y (И).
Other versions
Another version of the Hungarian Cyrillic alphabet was invented by Samuel P. Bateman, who wanted to make it easier for Hungarians to learn Russian as a second language. The Hungarian Cyrillic alphabet was mostly based on the Russian, Macedonian, Serbian and Azerbaijani Cyrillic alphabets, and is used for writing in the Hungarian language. Most of the digraphs used in the Hungarian Latin alphabet are replaced by single letters in Cyrillic, thereby making it more phonetic.