Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Henry Harrisse

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Henry Harrisse


1910, Paris, France

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Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissi, The discovery of North A, John Cabot - the Discover, The diplomatic history of, Americus Vespuccius

Henry Harisse (1829 - May 1, 1910), was a man of letters, art critic, lawyer and American historian who author books on the discovery of America and geographic representations of the New World.


Henry Harisse was born in Paris May 28, 1829. His father was Abraham, a furrier, probably from Russia or Prague, and his mother was Nanine Marcus of Paris Very young, he moved to his American family and takes the nationality of the country. He studied at the University of South Carolina and began his academic career at the University of North Carolina. He taught letters, philosophy and law. According to his biographer Henri Cordier his early writings are devoted to Taine and Renan and it would have annotated the works of metaphysical Descartes. But the turn of his mind focused on the study of the origins of modern America s and he gave himself ardently. This led to the exploration of the archives of the discovery of the Americas and to his achieving a critical and complete historical oevre of this object.

Harrisse was elected a member of the American Antiquarian Society in 1893.


Henry Harrisse Wikipedia

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