Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Henri Niessel

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Battles and wars
World War I

December 26, 1955

Henri Niessel

World War I

Lieutenant general

Henri Niessel httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

24 October 1866 (

Other work
Translator of von Clausewitz

Henri Albert Niessel (24 October 1866 – 26 December 1955) was a French general.

Niessel was commander of IX Corps.

Niessel was a Russian speaker. In August 1917 Foch (Chief of the General Staff) sent him to lead the French Military Mission in Russia, then a Republic under the Provisional Government, in the hope that he could rebuild the Russian Army by repeating Berthelot’s success in rebuilding the Romanian Army. Niessel later oversaw the withhdrawal of German Freikorps troops who had entered Latvia and Lithuania as part of Pavel Bermondt-Avalov's West Russian Volunteer Army.


  • Notes sur la Prusse dans sa grande catastrophe, 1806, translated from the German, original by Carl von Clausewitz, R. Chapelot, Paris, 1903
  • D. A. T : Défense aérienne du territoire (in collaboration with Rémy Alphonse Chabord and G. de Guilhermy), Éditions cosmopolites, Paris, 1934, 250 p.
  • L'évacuation des pays baltiques par les Allemands : contribution à l'étude de la mentalité allemande, Charles-Lavauzelle, Paris, Limoges, Nancy, 1935, 272 p.
  • Le triomphe des Bolchéviks et la paix de Brest-Litovsk : Souvenirs 1917-1918, Plon, 1940, 381 p.
  • References

    Henri Niessel Wikipedia

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