Heinz P. Bloch is a mechanical engineer with specialization in failure avoidance, machinery maintenance cost reduction and machinery reliability improvement. As of 2017 he has authored over 700 technical papers and conference publications and has written 20 books (45 Editions) on practical machinery management and oil mist lubrication. He holds seven U.S. patents relating to high speed machinery.
Mr. Bloch graduated from the New Jersey Institute of Technology with B.S.M.E. (1962) and M.S.M.E. degrees (1964, cum laude). He is a Life Fellow of the ASME, and retains registration as a Professional Engineer in New Jersey. After an initial high-speed machine design career with Johnson & Johnson and later switching to Exxon Research & Engineering, he retired as the U.S. Regional Machinery Engineer from Exxon Chemicals. He has continued involvement as a reliability expert and teacher since becoming the editor/originator of Hydrocarbon Processing magazine's monthly "HP in Reliability" column.
Introduction to Machinery Reliability Assessment (with F.K.Geitner), Gulf Publishing Company, 2nd Ed., 1994Improving Machinery Reliability Gulf Publishing Company, 1st Ed. 1982, 2nd Ed. 1990, 3rd Ed. 1997Machinery Failure Analysis and Troubleshooting (with F.K. Geitner), Elsevier Publishing Company, 4th Ed., 2012A Practical Guide to Compressor Technology, John Wiley Publishing Company, 2nd Ed., 2006Guia Practica Para la Tecnologia de los Compresores, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1998A Practical Guide to Steam Turbine Technology (with Dr. M. Singh), 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2009Guia Practica Para la Tecnologia de las Turbinas de Vapor, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1998Oil Mist Lubrication: Practical Applications, (with Dr. A. Shamim), Fairmont Publishing, 1998Process Plant Machinery (with C. Soares), Elsevier Publishing Company, 2nd Ed., 1998Practical Lubrication for Industrial Facilities (with Kenneth Bannister), 3rd Ed., Fairmont Press, 2016.Pump User's Handbook: Life Extension (with A.R. Budris), 4th Ed., Fairmont Press (also Marcel Dekker), 2013Maximizing Machinery Uptime - (with F.K. Geitner) Gulf Publishing Company, 2006Reciprocating Compressor Operation and Maintenance, (with J. Hoefner) Gulf Publishing Company, 2001Turboexpander Technology and Applications, (with C. Soares) Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996Machinery Component Maintenance and Repair (with F.K. Geitner), 3rd Ed., Gulf Publishing Company, 2005Major Process Equipment Maintenance and Repair, (with F.K. Geitner), 2nd Ed., Gulf Publishing Company, 1997Pump Wisdom: Problem Solving for Operators and Specialists, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011Compressors: How to Achieve High Reliability and Availability, (with F.K. Geitner), McGraw-Hill,New York, NY, 2012Compressores: Um Guia Pratico para a Confiabilidade e a Disponibilidade, (Portuguese Translation, Bookman Editora Ltda, Porto Allegre, 2014)"Analise e Solucao de Falhas em Sistemas Mechanicos;" (Portuguese Translation, Elsevier Editora Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2015)"Petrochemical Machinery Insights;" Elsevier Publishing/Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA, 2016