Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Hag's Head

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Hag's Head Hag39s Head Wikipedia

Cliffs of moher walk part two hag s head to doolin

Hag's Head is the name given to the most southerly point of the Cliffs of Moher in County Clare, Ireland where cliffs form an unusual rock formation that resembles a woman's head looking out to sea.

Hag's Head Hiking At Hag39s Head In County Clare Ireland The Wanderblogger

One legend relates how an old hag, Mal of Malbay, fell in love with the Irish hero, Cú Chulainn and chased her would-be suitor across Ireland. Cú Chulainn escaped by hopping across sea stacks as if they were stepping stones. Mal, however, not being so nimble lost her footing and was dashed against the cliff.

Hag's Head This formation near the Cliffs of Moher called the Hag39s Head is

A tower ruin known as Moher Tower stands at Hag's Head. Until the early 19th century, it was the site of a promontory fort known as Mothar or Moher. Hag's head also features a natural arch.

Hag's Head Hag39s Head Secret Ireland

Hag's Head Hiking At Hag39s Head In County Clare Ireland The Wanderblogger

Hag's Head Hiking At Hag39s Head In County Clare Ireland The Wanderblogger

Hag's Head httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Hag's Head The Hag39s Head there is a legend surrounding this rock Picture


Hag's Head Wikipedia
Photo Credit :- The Wander Blogger

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