Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Grégory Katz

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Gregory Katz

Gregory Katz

Gregory katz breaking the sound barrier of genomic data

Grégory Katz-Bénichou (1971) is a French academic and executive manager. He is currently head of research and innovation at the hospital group ESLAN. Until 2015, he was head of innovation and research at Ramsay - Générale de Santé, and director of its not-for-profit Foundation. In parallel, Gregory Katz was professor at ESSEC Business School (Paris-Singapore). Between 2003 and 2015, he was chaired professor of the ESSEC Chair of Therapeutic Innovation, and co-director of the ESSEC Institute of Health Economics & Management. In 2009 he won the San Benedetto International Award for his work on bioethics and humanism. Recognized as a Leading Scholar 2015 by the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, he was guest of honor at the Public Health Grand Rounds Lecture 2015 at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA).


Gregory katz therapeutic innovation health economics and big data


Born in Paris in 1971, Gregory Katz holds a Master of Business Administration (ESSEC, 1997), a doctorate in philosophy (Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2000) and a doctorate in pharmacy (Université de Paris-Descartes, 1999). Elie Wiesel, professor at Boston University and Nobel Peace Prize laureate mentored his doctorate in philosophy at the Université de Paris-Sorbonne.

Academic positions

In 2003, Gergory Katz became a permanent faculty member atESSECBusiness School (Paris-Singapore). In 2004, he was appointed chaired professor of the ESSEC Chair of Therapeutic Innovation, which he created that same year. As visiting professor at INSEAD in 2004-2005 on the Singapore campus, he taught business ethics alongside Henri-Claude de Bettignies at the Asian Center for Comparative Management. In 2006, Katz was a visiting professor at Bocconi University (Milan) at the Center for Research on Health Care and Social Management. In 2009 he was named co-director of the ESSEC Institute of Health Economics & Management. From 2011 to 2013, he was Academic Director of the Executive Master Strategy & Management of Health Industries at ESSEC Executive Education.

Institutional positions

In 2004, Gregory Katz was elected vice-president of the association Eurocord. From 2009 to 2012, he was administrator of the European School of Surgery.20 From 2012 to 2014, he was a member of the first expert panel of the French Institutional Review Board (CPP IDF3).35 From 2012 to 2015 he was Pro Bono Chairman of the Board of GlaxoSmithKlineVaccines’ Global Innovation Fund.[23]Since 2015, Gregory Katz has been a member of the advisory board of the doctoral school of life sciences and health at University Paris-Est.

Managerial positions

From 2008 to 2015, Gregory Katz was head of innovation and clinical research at the hospital group Ramsay Générale de Santé and director of its not-for-profit foundation. In November 2015, he joined the ELSAN group as head of research and innovation.


Gregory Katz’s scientific publications analyze the socioeconomic and organizational implications of biomedical innovations, with a focus on the field of genomics and stem cell banks. He also conducts research on the development of new quality indicators for healthcare performance (outcome measurements, value-based healthcare, etc.). His publications are at the crossroads of industrial economics, medico-economic evaluation, biomedical ethics and health policy.

Grégory Katz httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

As principal investigator, he has published a number of articles in health policy journals such as PLOS, or the Yale Journal of Public Health, Law and Ethics and medical journals such as Transfusion. He sits on several journal editorial boards including Philosophy of Management, Journal of Methodology & Education for Clinical Innovation, and International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing.

Trained at Harvard Business School by Michael Porter, publishes case studies that are taught in executive education programs using role-playing that involves the participants in concrete negotiation and crisis management situations. His teaching deals with topics such as leadership, ethical dilemmas in organizations, and innovation management in the health industries.

He is solicited by editorial boards to review articles in management science and biomedical science journals. Katz collaborates on a regular basis with the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health on their teaching activities and on comparative research projects between Europe and the United States.

Reconciling genomics and humanism

In 2002, Katz published le Chiffre de la vie: réconcilier la génétique et l’humanisme(310 p. Editions du Seuil). In 2003, he became a permanent faculty member at ESSEC Business School (Paris-Singapore). The book, a philosophical essay on DNA, was selected by FNAC bookstore as the "best philosophical essay of 2003".

Running counter to prevailing currents of thought, the author demonstrates that, where a microscope sees only blind mechanics, actually lies the Cipher of life - an extraordinary text where biochemical signs convey form and meaning. Plunging into the heart of this universal grammar, Katz criticizes the linguistic metaphors used in biology and their anthropomorphism. He formulates the hypothesis of a genetic protolanguage that existed before all human conscience, and whose gradual evolution enabled the emergence of verbal languages and their various forms. "Behind the biochemical signs, is there a signature? If there is a program, is there a Programmer?" In light of the most recent scientific advances in genomics, Katz re-visits the debate on the origin of life, from biblical biology to the philosophical traditions of the great book of Nature. He analyzes the very idea of "creative chance" as a modern reformulation of the spontaneous generation theory. Beyond the current controversies, he demonstrates why the concepts of creation and evolution can be reconciled through the Bergsonian concept of "creative evolution".

"But in this program, where do we put free will?" the author asks. Biological code, linguistic code, ethological code, ethical code… From bios to ethos, does the genome contain the Code of Codes at the root of our physical and psychological traits, including habits and behaviors such as addiction, appetite for risk, maternal instinct, aggressiveness or pair bonding? Science is only beginning to discover the subtlety of the program, yet Man is already seeking to reprogram it in an attempt to control its determinism. The final chapter of the book anticipates the eugenistic temptation that would reduce Man to the raw score of his genetic quotient. Katz anticipates the emergence of a genomic hygienism based on the public health costs generated by individuals with predispositions for certain diseases. Through concrete illustrations from the medtech and biotech industries, he analyzes the expansion of human screening, where "the concept of prevention no longer means avoiding the appearance of the disease, but rather the appearance of the diseased individual." Breaking with the transhumanist currents, he identifies the narrow path through which stem cells and genomics could succeed in healing Man without alienating his moral status.

Expert panels

Gregory Katz is regularly solicited by health authorities for his expertise on bioethics and on the industrial development of healthcare innovations. He was consulted by the French Senate, the Conseil d’Etat, the European Parliament (European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies) and UNESCO (Human Variome Project).

From 2004 to 2009, Gregory Katz worked alongside Eliane Gluckman as vice-president of the association Eurocord, an international platform for clinical research on cord blood stem cell transplantation. Eurocord analyzes clinical data from more than 500 transplant centers in 56 countries around the world. In 2010, Eurocord became part of the French Agence de la biomédecine, which now heads its operations.

Contributions to the French debate on bioethics laws

As part of the 2011 debate on French bioethics laws, Gregory Katz was heavily involved in the drafting of a 2010 bill sponsored by Senator Hermange on stem cells contained in umbilical cord blood. Considered "biological waste", the legal status of these stem cells was not clearly defined by French law. The purpose of the bill was to establish their status as a "therapeutic resource" much as for other hematopoietic cells, implying the principles of consent, anonymity and donation. Passed in 2011 by the French Senate and National Assembly as part of a general review of bioethical laws (article 7 of the government’s bill), this bill have since been transposed into the French Public Health Code.

Supporting cell therapy

From 2008 to 2015, Gregory Katz headed the Ramsay Générale de Santé Foundation, which leads non-profit initiatives to help patients and support scientific research in the field of cell therapy. In 2010, through public-private partnerships with the French National Blood Agency (Etablissement Français du Sang), the Foundation became the leading French player in the collection of cord blood stem cell grafts for public banks through anonymous, free donations. The grafts are transferred to the banks of the French National Cord Blood Bank Network (Agence de la Biomédecine), to be transplanted to patients for the treatment of blood cancers (lymphoma, leukemia) and rare diseases. Since its creation in 2008, the foundation accounts for more than 15,000 collections performed by 400 midwives and obstetricians in France, and more than 100 patients worldwide have been transplanted. Since 2010, in partnership with Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, the Foundation has developed the first scientific network to offer thousands of cord blood biological samples to dozen of research teams in France in support of their work in cell therapy.

Every year, the Foundation organizes an international prize for cell therapy and regenerative medicine, in partnership with the French Academy of Sciences. Inaugurated in 2012 in the presence of Nobel Prize laureate in Medicine Shinya Yamanaka, the annual prize rewards scientific excellence in the field of tissue regeneration. In 2009, in honor of its patronage actions, the Foundation was granted the Grande Cause Nationale label delivered by the French Prime Minister, and was awarded the 2012 Special Jury Prize by the Fédération de l’hospitalisation privée. In 2015, the Foundation’s prize received the Official Patronage of the French Ministry of Education and Research.

Scientific affiliations

  • Member of the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics
  • Member of the American Association of Blood Banks
  • Member of the Academy Health
  • Member of the Academy of Management
  • Member of the European Haematology Association
  • Member of the European Health Management Association
  • Member of the European Bone Marrow Transplantation
  • Member of the Société Française d'Hématologie
  • Member of the Société Française et Francophone d'Ethique Médicale
  • Member of the Société Française de Greffe de Moelle et Thérapie Cellulaire
  • Member of the Société Française de Bio-ingénierie Cellulaire et Tissulaire
  • Member of the International Health Economics Association
  • Member of the World Marrow Donor Association
  • Member of the Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society
  • Awards

  • Leading Scholar 2015, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, University of California Los Angeles
  • Guest of honor at the 2014 Solemn annual session of the French National Academy of Surgery.
  • Special Jury Trophy in 2012 awarded by the Fédération de l’Hospitalisation Privée.
  • Guest of honor at the 2010 Graduation Ceremony for doctors in pharmacy at University Paris-Descartes.
  • San Benedetto international prize awarded in 2008 for his achievements in bioethics and humanism. Created in 2000, this international prize rewards outstanding contributions on political, social, theological and ethical issues in connection with the Christian world. Past prize-winners include the President of the Italian National Bioethics Committee Francesco D’Agostigno (2002), Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki (2003), Irish European Parliament member Dana Scallon (2004), Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (2005), and Norwegian Foreign Affairs Minister Janne Haaland Matlary (2007).
  • Books

  • G. Katz-Bénichou, Le chiffre de la vie : réconcilier la génétique et l’humanisme, Paris, Seuil, 2002 (ISBN 2020524007)
  • Articles

  • Magalon J, Maiers M, Kurtzberg J, Navarrete C, Rubinstein P, Brown C, Schramm C, Larghero J, Katsahian S, Chabannon C, Picard C, Platz A, Schmidt A, KATZ G, Banking or Bankrupting: Sustaining the Economic Future of Public Cord Blood Banks. PLOS ONE. December 1, 2015. 10(12): e0143440, pp: 1-13.
  • KATZ G, Romano O, Foa C, Vataire AL, Chantelard JV, Hervé R, Barletta H, Durieux A, Martin JP, Salmon R, Economic Impact of Gene Expression Profiling in Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer in France. PLOS ONE, June 18, 2015.10(6): e0128880, pp. 1–15. ----[1] [2]
  • Katz G, Mills A, Garcia J, et al. (March 2011). "Banking cord blood stem cells: attitude and knowledge of pregnant women in five European countries". Transfusion. 51 (3): 578–86. doi:10.1111/j.1537-2995.2010.02954.x. PMID 21126259. 
  • Katz G, Schweitzer SO (2010). "Implications of genetic testing for health policy". Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics. 10 (1): 90–134. PMID 20229845. 
  • Katz G, Mills A (June 2010). "Cord blood banking in France: reorganising the national network". Transfusion and Apheresis Science. 42 (3): 307–16. doi:10.1016/j.transci.2010.03.002. PMID 20395177. 
  • Marville L, Haye I, Katz G (2010). "Quel statut pour les banques de sang de cordon ombilical ?". Médecine et Droit. 102: 81–5. 
  • Katz, Gregory (April 2008). "The Hypothesis of a Genetic Protolanguage: an Epistemological Investigation". Biosemiotics. 1 (1): 57–73. doi:10.1007/s12304-008-9005-5. 
  • Katz, Gregory; Lenglet, Marc (2010). "Whistleblowing in French Corporations: Anatomy of a National Taboo". Philosophy of Management. 9 (1): 103–22. doi:10.5840/pom20109120. 
  • Katz-Benichou G (2007). "Umbilical Cord Blood Banking: Economic & Therapeutic Challenges". International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management. 8 (5): 464–477. 
  • Katz G., (2005) Comment transformer l’humain en sable, in Vers la fin de l’homme, sous la direction de C. Hervé et J. Rozenberg, De Boeck University, Bruxelles, pp. 127–144.
  • Katz-Bénichou, Grégory; Viens, Gérard (2005). "High-technology clusters in France: two unusual models – an empiric study". In Di Tommaso, Marco R.; Schweitzer, Stuart O. Health Policy and High-tech Industrial Development: Learning from Innovation in the Health Industry. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp. 258–77. ISBN 978-1-84542-456-5. 
  • Katz G. (2007), L’Inepte et l’Inapte, in Corps normalisés, sous la direction de C. Hervé et J. Rozenberg, De Boeck University, Bruxelles, 2007, pp. 313–330.
  • Katz G. Du cordon à l’embryon: clefs socio-économiques en médecine régénérative, Revue Générale de Droit Médical. 2007 (27) 13-23.
  • Katz-Benichou G., Le tamisage des naissances. Cités – Philosophie politique, Presses Universitaires de France. 2006 (28) 83-94.
  • Katz-Benichou G., The Advent of the Genetic Quotient. Diogenes, UNESCO International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies. 2002 (195) 49: 20-26.
  • Chapters

  • KATZ G. (2015), Industrial Economics of Cord Blood Banks. In: Stavropoulos-Giokas C., Charron D., Navarette C., editors. Cord Blood Stem Cells Medicine. Academic Press - Elsevier; 2015. pp. 325–345
  • KATZ G. (2009), Pharmacie du débat, in Ma santé demain: onze décideursrépondent, Editions Jacob Duvernet, p. 15-18.
  • KATZ G. (2008), Pénurie du sang de cordon: les effets d’un retard culturel, in L’art d’entreprendre, Pearson Education-Les Echos, p. 167-179.
  • KATZ G.(2007), L’Inepte et l’Inapte, in Corps normalisés, sous la direction de C. Hervé et J. Rozenberg, De Boeck University, Bruxelles, 2007, pp. 313–330.[73]
  • KATZ G.(2005) Comment transformer l’humain en sable, in Vers la fin de l’homme, sous la direction de C. Hervé et J. Rozenberg, De Boeck University, Bruxelles, pp. 127–144.
  • KATZ-BENICHOU G."High-technology clusters in France: two unusual models – an empiric study" ISBN 978-1-84542-456-5
  • Media

  • ARTE, "Bébé sur mesure", April 1, 2015
  • LIFT CONFERENCE, November 14, 2014
  • FRANCE BLEU NATIONAL, Chronique « Action Santé », 4 janvier 2014
  • EUROPE 1, émission « Le Grand Débat », 28 juillet 2013
  • FRANCE CULTURE, émission « Du Grain à Moudre », 11 juillet 2013
  • BIOFUTUR, « Cellules souches : les fausses promesses des banques commerciales », feb. 2013
  • FRANCE 5, émission « Les Maternelles », interview du Pr. Gregory Katz, 6 décembre 2012
  • LE FIGARO, « Prix Fondation Générale de Santé pour la thérapie cellulaire », Nov. 2012
  • CORRIERE DELLA SERA, « Cosi noi (privati) aiutiamo le « bache del cordone » pubbliche », Oct. 2012
  • France CULTURE, Emission « Le Champ des Possibles », June 2011
  • IL MONDO, interview Prof. Gregory Katz, 8 avril 2011
  • TF1, Journal télévisé de 20H (Claire Chazal), 30 janvier 2011
  • FRANCE 5, Revu et Corrigé, Oct. 2010
  • CORRIERE DELLA SERA, Piu chance per i biologi in cravatta, March 2010
  • PUBLIC SENAT, Révision des lois de bioéthique, Oct. 2010
  • CANAL PLUS, Special Investigation, Sept. 2010
  • QUOTIDIEN DU MEDECIN, Les avis sont partagés sur les banques autologues, Dec. 2009
  • LA RECHERCHE – LE MONDE, Se soigner selon ses gènes, Nov-Dec. 2009
  • GRANDES ECOLES MAGAZINE, Former les futurs décideurs de l’industrie de la santé, Nov. 2008
  • CBC TV - ARTE, "The Man with the Golden Cells", 2007
  • IL FOGLIO, « Genio Nononstante I Suoi Geni », 1 Luglio 2006
  • LES ECHOS, Bioéthique et cellules souches : sortir du dilemme, June 2006
  • References

    Grégory Katz Wikipedia

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