Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Gian Andrea Pagnoni

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Gian Pagnoni

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Gian Andrea Pagnoni was born in Ferrara, Italy in 1966. He graduated with a degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Ferrara (M.A. equivalent, summa cum laude) in 1992. From 1990 to 1991 he attended the National University of Ireland, Galway, where he conducted research for an applied thesis in Ecology. Since 1993, Gian Andrea Pagnoni has worked as an independent researcher conducting environmental assessments and environmental project management (EIA, SEA, impact assessment and ecological networks). In 1998 he received his Ph.D. in Applied Ecology from the University of Parma. In 2001 he co-founded the Istituto Delta di Ecologia Applicata Srl (Delta Institute of Applied Ecology), a spin-off project of the University of Ferrara (National Research Register No. 53172DPY, Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001:2008).

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In recent years his work has focused mainly on the fields of renewable energies and environmental conservation. Since 2005 he has also lectured at the University of Ferrara, delivering a course entitled "Environmental Impact Assessment: case studies”. Gian Andrea Pagnoni is the author of books on energy and environment, travel guides, local history as well as numerous scientific papers on environmental issues and environmental assessment. In 2015 he coauthored "The renaissanse of renewable energy" published by Cambridge University Press.


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