Puneet Varma (Editor)

Gascon pig

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Conservation status

Scientific name
Sus scrofa domesticus


Country of origin
Higher classification
Gascon pig noticiasporcisaneswpcontentuploadsGASCONPIG

Sarda pig, British Saddleback, Cinta Senese

The Gascon is a rare breed of domestic pig which has survived in the more mountainous and remote regions of France. In the Midi-Pyrénées region, the Gascon survives as probably the most ancient breed of pig in France.

Gascon pig The Gascon Black PigEnjouanisson

Despite its endangered status, it has many valuable characteristics. Like most old-fashioned breeds, it is prone to becoming very fat, but it is vigorous, hardy, thrifty and tolerant of hot climates. The sows are prolific and have a good supply of milk for their litters.

Gascon pig The Gascon Black PigEnjouanisson
Gascon pig Gascon Black Pig Gascon Porc Noir The Sommelier Chef

Gascon pig List of local pig breed involved in the project Treasure

Gascon pig Gascon pig Wikipedia

Gascon pig Gascon pig PetMapz


Gascon pig Wikipedia

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