Harman Patil (Editor)

Florida Gators Dazzlers

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Dazzlers Coordinator
Kasey Anson

Type of business
18-22 a year

Official website

Florida Gators Dazzlers Super Gallery UF Gators Orange and Blue Debut 2015 Gator Country

Gainesville, Florida, United States

The Dazzlers are a dance squad for the University of Florida, charged with performing at the home games for the Florida Gators basketball teams. The squad, made up of 18 to 22 women, also performs at the school's volleyball matches, the Florida Gators football homecoming game, and gymnastics meets.

Florida Gators Dazzlers Gators vs Pitt Panthers NCAA Tournament Third Round 32214 Gator

UF Gator Marching Band 11/03/18 - Halftime Staging and Florida Dazzlers Performance

The Dazzlers also travels to the Southeastern Conference basketball tournament and the NCAA basketball tournament when the Gator teams qualify.

Florida Gators Dazzlers httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Sports reporter Erin Andrews was a member of the Dazzlers from 1997 to 2000.

Florida Gators Dazzlers Florida Gators The Dazzlers

Florida Gators Dazzlers Florida Gators The Dazzlers

Florida Gators Dazzlers Florida Gators The Dazzlers

Florida Gators Dazzlers Gator Country Photo Keywords The Florida Gator Dazzlers perform


Florida Gators Dazzlers Wikipedia

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