Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Feller's coin tossing constants

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Feller's coin-tossing constants are a set of numerical constants which describe asymptotic probabilities that in n independent tosses of a fair coin, no run of k consecutive heads (or, equally, tails) appears.


William Feller showed that if this probability is written as p(n,k) then

lim n p ( n , k ) α k n + 1 = β k

where αk is the smallest positive real root of

x k + 1 = 2 k + 1 ( x 1 )


β k = 2 α k k + 1 k α k .

Values of the constants

For k = 2 the constants are related to the golden ratio, φ , and Fibonacci numbers; the constants are 5 1 = 2 φ 2 = 2 / φ and 1 + 1 / 5 . The exact probability p(n,2) can be calculated either by using Fibonacci numbers, p(n,2) =  F n + 2 2 n or by solving a direct recurrence relation leading to the same result. For higher values of k , the constants are related to generalizations of Fibonacci numbers such as the tribonacci and tetranacci numbers. The corresponding exact probabilities can be calculated as p(n,k) =  F n + 2 ( k ) 2 n .


If we toss a fair coin ten times then the exact probability that no pair of heads come up in succession (i.e. n = 10 and k = 2) is p(10,2) =  9 64  = 0.140625. The approximation p ( n , k ) β k / α k n + 1 gives 1.44721356...×1.23606797...−11 = 0.1406263...


Feller's coin-tossing constants Wikipedia

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