Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Fauzia Nasreen

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Known for
Pakistan's ambassador

Diplomat and academic

Fauzia Nasreen httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Fauzia Nasreen (born 6 December 1950) is a Pakistani diplomat and teacher. She was the Pakistani ambassador to Poland and Nepal.

Nasreen entered the diplomatic service in 1973. She rose to be her country's ambassador to Nepal and Poland. She was also her country's High Commissioner in Australia from November 2009. Since she ceased being a diplomat she has been teaching in Pakistan.

In 2015 she was chosen to be one of 21 women who met for a conference at Harvard University Kennedy School of Government funded by Hunt Alternatives. The group included Judy Thongori from Kenya and Olufunke Baruwa, Esther Ibanga, Hafsat Abiola and Ayisha Osori from Nigeria.


Fauzia Nasreen Wikipedia

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