Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Faculty of History, University of Oxford

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Faculty of History, University of Oxford

The Faculty of History at the University of Oxford organises that institution's teaching and research in modern history. Medieval and Modern History has been taught at Oxford for longer than at virtually any other University, and the first Regius Professor of Modern History was appointed in 1724. The Faculty is part of the Humanities Division, and has been based at the former City of Oxford High School for Boys on George Street, Oxford since the summer of 2007, while the department's Library was removed from the former Indian Institute on Catte Street to the main Bodleian buildings at the start of 2013.


Research Groups

  • Britain and Europe Group
  • Centre for Early Modern British and Irish History
  • Centre for the History of Childhood
  • Late Antique & Byzantine Studies
  • Modern European History Research Centre
  • OxCRUSH: Oxford Centre for Research in United States History
  • Oxford Centre for Medieval History
  • Research Cluster in History of Science, Medicine and Technology
  • Wellcome Unit for History of Medicine, Oxford
  • Notable alumni

    (See also the 'Historians' section of the page List of University of Oxford people in academic disciplines.)

  • Clement Attlee, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • Matthew d'Ancona, former Editor of the Spectator
  • Norman Davies
  • Niall Ferguson
  • Dominic Grieve, Attorney General of the United Kingdom
  • John Gorton, Prime Minister of Australia
  • Graham Greene
  • Harald V of Norway, King of Norway
  • T. E. Lawrence
  • George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • Michael Palin
  • Lester B. Pearson, Prime Minister of Canada
  • John Redwood, former Secretary of State for Wales
  • Evelyn Waugh
  • Andrew Lloyd Webber
  • Eric Williams, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago
  • Harold Wilson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • References

    Faculty of History, University of Oxford Wikipedia

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