Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Evan Zimmermann

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Evan Zimmermann

Evan Zimmermann httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Evan Zimmermann is the President and CEO of Antiquorum, a Swiss auction house, established in 1974, that specializes in selling watches. In the 10 years that he has been leading Antiquorum, the auction house has experienced growth in its Auction sale from $37 million to $90 Million. During the same period, Antiquorum solidified its position as the largest Watch auction house in the World.

In 2008, Forbes recognized Mr. Zimmermann as an important collector of vintage Rolex sport watches.

Under Mr. Zimmermann's management, Antiquorum sold Mahatma Gandhi's pocket watch for just under $2.1 million, Steve McQueen's Rolex Submariner for $234,000 (more than 20 times its estimate), setting a new world record for its reference, and Albert Einstein's Longines wristwatch for $596,000 (over 2000 percent of its estimate).


Evan Zimmermann Wikipedia

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