Harman Patil (Editor)

Endurance art

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Endurance art

Endurance art is a kind of performance art involving some form of hardship, such as pain, solitude or exhaustion. Performances that focus on the passage of long periods of time are also known as durational art or durational performances.

Writer Michael Fallon traces the genre to the work of Chris Burden in California in the 1970s. Burden spent five days in a locker in Five-Day Locker Piece (1971), had himself shot in Shoot (1971), and lived for 22 days in a bed in an art gallery in Bed Piece (1972).

Other examples of endurance art include Tehching Hsieh's One Year Performance 1980–1981 (Time Clock Piece), in which for 12 months he punched a time clock every hour, and Art/Life One Year Performance 1983–1984 (Rope Piece), in which Hsieh and Linda Montano spent a year tied to each other by an eight-foot rope.

In The House with the Ocean View (2003), Marina Abramović lived silently for 12 days without food or entertainment on a stage entirely open to the audience. Such is the physical stamina required for some of her work that in 2012 she set up what she called a "boot camp" in Hudson, New York, for participants in her multiple-person performances.


  • Marina Abramović – Rhythm 5, 1974; Luminosity, 1997, 2010; Nude with Skeleton, 2002, 2005, 2010; The House With the Ocean View (2003); Balkan Erotic Epic, 2005.
  • Marina Abramović with UlayPoint of Contact, 1980; Night Sea Crossing, 1981; The Lovers: Walk on the Great Wall, 1988.
  • Vito AcconciSeedbed, 1972.
  • David AskevoldFill.
  • Stuart BrisleyAnd for today ... nothing, 1972.
  • Chris BurdenFive-Day Locker Piece, 1971.
  • David BlaineWitness (1999), Buried Alive, Frozen in Time, Vertigo, Above the below, Drowned Alive.
  • Nikhil Chopra, – Give Me Your Blood And I Will Give You Freedom, 2014.
  • Houston Conwill – Juju Rituals, 1975–1983.
  • Elevator Repair ServiceGatz, 2005.
  • EJ Hill - "A Monumental Offering of Potential Energy", 2016
  • Tehching HsiehOne Year Performance 1978–1979 (Cage Piece); One Year Performance 1980–1981 (Time Clock Piece).
  • Tehching Hsieh with Linda MontanoArt/Life One Year Performance 1983–1984 (Rope Piece).
  • Ragnar KjartanssonA Lot of Sorrow, 2014.
  • Stan LaiA Dream Like A Dream, 2014.
  • Bruce NaumanRevolving Upside Down and Stamping in the Studio.
  • Carolee Schneeman – Up To And Including Her Limits.
  • Wolfgang StoerchleAttempt Public Erection, 1972–1975.
  • Emma Sulkowicz – Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight), 2014–2015.
  • Zhang Huan12 Square Meters, 1994.
  • References

    Endurance art Wikipedia

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