Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Emma Jung

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Emma Jung

Carl Jung (m. 1903–1955)



Emma Jung Women and Carl Jung Emma Rauschenbach Jung
Full Name
Emma Rauschenbach

30 March 1882 (
Schaffhausen, Switzerland

November 27, 1955, Zurich, Switzerland

The Grail legend, Animus and Anima, La Legende du Graal, Die Graalslegende in psychologischer Sicht

Agathe Niehus, Gret Baumann, Franz Jung-Merker, Marianne Niehus, Helene Hoerni

Similar People
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Labyrinths: Emma Jung, Her Marriage to Carl and the Early Days of Psychoanalysis - Book Discussion

Emma Jung (born Emma Rauschenbach; 30 March 1882 – 27 November 1955) was a psychotherapist and author. She was the wife of Carl Gustav Jung, the prominent psychiatrist and founder of Analytical psychology.


Early life

Emma Jung jungfamily1917jpg

Jung came from the family of a wealthy industrialist, and the then owner of IWC Schaffhausen, Johannes Rauschenbach. At the time of her marriage she was the second-richest heiress in Switzerland.


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The Jungs married on 14 February 1903, seven years after they first met. Together they had five children (four daughters and one son); Agathe, Gret, Franz, Marianne and Helene.

Marital life

In 1906, a variety of Carl Jung's unusual dreams of the period were interpreted by Sigmund Freud as portending the "failure of a marriage for money" (das Scheitern einer Geldheirat). Jung took a strong interest in her husband's work and became a noted analyst in her own right. She developed a particular interest in the Grail legend. She was an analyst before they married, although her independence of him in this field has been contested. She was also in regular correspondence of her own with Freud.

Sometime around the birth of Jung's last child, in 1914, her husband began a relationship with a young patient, Toni Wolff, which lasted for some decades. Deirdre Bair, in her biography of Carl Jung, describes Emma Jung as bearing up nobly as her husband insisted that Wolff become part of their household, saying that Wolff was "his other wife". Wolff tried to persuade Carl Jung to divorce but this did not happen. A colleague, Sabina Spielrein, had earlier claimed to have been Carl Jung's lover, keeping a diary to document the relationship.


After Jung's death, her husband carved a stone in her name, "She was the foundation of my house." He is also said to have cried "She was a queen! She was a queen!" ("Sie war eine Konigin! Sie war eine Konigin!") while mourning. Her gravestone was inscripted: "Oh vase, sign of devotion and obedience."


Emma Jung Wikipedia

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